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1786 Results


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FCC Calls for Political Ad Disclosure


FCC Calls for Political Ad Disclosure

Politicians have learned to harness every form of technology to manipulate voters, but none are more visible than ads on TV. For many voters who haven't had time to do their own research, these ads may be the only information they have as they head to the polls.

Hawaii macht Fortschritte bei der Wahlbeteiligung


Hawaii macht Fortschritte bei der Wahlbeteiligung

Hawaii unternimmt große Schritte in Richtung einer größeren Beteiligung an den Wahlen. Um die derzeit niedrige Wahlbeteiligung des Staates zu bekämpfen und den Zugang zur Wahlurne zu erweitern, hat Gouverneur Neil Abercrombie ein Gesetz unterzeichnet, das es Wählern ab 2016 ermöglicht, sich in Briefwahllokalen zu registrieren. Damit ist der Weg frei, die Registrierung am Wahltag 2018 zu beginnen.

Koch-backed Groups Linked to Scalia Trip, Speech Last Summer


Koch-backed Groups Linked to Scalia Trip, Speech Last Summer

Minutes after a lawyers’ group funded in part by industrialists Charles and David Koch welcomed Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia for a luncheon speech last August, another Koch-backed entity led a “stop government spending” rally in the same Montana hotel, a Common Cause analysis of Scalia’s annual financial disclosure report indicates

Newly Released Documents Put Scott Walker in the Hot Seat


Newly Released Documents Put Scott Walker in the Hot Seat

Documents unsealed Thursday by a federal appeals court in Chicago suggest that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign in the 2012 recall election worked hand-in-glove – perhaps illegally – with special interest groups.

Peeking Under the Rock That Is ALEC


Peeking Under the Rock That Is ALEC

A powerful new documentary from Montana PBS, “Brought To You By ALEC,” looks under the rock that is the American Legislative Exchange Council — and what we see isn’t pretty.

Still A Lot To Do


Still A Lot To Do

Wow!—3.7 million comments for net neutrality and still counting. If the Inside the Beltway crowd thought this was not an issue all across America, they should be feeling disabused of that notion by now.



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