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Why Ethics Are Essential


Why Ethics Are Essential

We’re letting candidates know that if they want to represent us in the halls of Congress or in overseeing our state democracy, they can start by pledging to ethical leadership now, as they campaign for our votes.

Common Cause schließt sich Aktivisten gegen Waffengewalt in einer neuen Anthologie an, die sich mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie Waffengewalt in einem gespaltenen Amerika beendet werden kann


Common Cause schließt sich Aktivisten gegen Waffengewalt in einer neuen Anthologie an, die sich mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie Waffengewalt in einem gespaltenen Amerika beendet werden kann

Um der Waffengewalt ein Ende zu setzen, müssen wir unsere Demokratie reparieren. Doch gemeinsam können die Bürger der Waffenlobby den Kampf ansagen und gewinnen

Memo to the Media: Election 2020 Reporting Without Amplifying Disinfo


Memo to the Media: Election 2020 Reporting Without Amplifying Disinfo

Covering the 2020 elections are a challenge for reporters: unfortunately some stories are used to amplify disinformation about voting or the election process. Here are seven key tips for journalists on how to report responsibly and cover the election without harming voters with disinformation.

HISTORIC 116TH CONGRESS: Two Chambers Offer Contrasting Views for Our Future


HISTORIC 116TH CONGRESS: Two Chambers Offer Contrasting Views for Our Future

The 2020 Democracy Scorecard charts the position of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy and predicts the 116th Congress will be the least productive in history

Track Your Ballot


Track Your Ballot

With the increase of vote by mail in this year's election, voters should take an extra step to check that status of their absentee ballot. Click on your state below to track your ballot.

The Daily Show: America’s Got Suppression


The Daily Show: America’s Got Suppression

With so much money being invested in suppressing the vote by the Trump campaign and the GOP, not to mention secret and unaccountable dark money groups, Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Trevor Noah launches America's Got Suppression! Co-hosts Roy Wood, Jr. and Desi Lydic interview three contestants, including Common Cause's Vashti Hinton-Smith whose vote is suppressed by gerrymandering that split the North Carolina A & T campus into two congressional districts, diluting the voting power of students at the HBCU campus. And HBCU Democracy...

Dispelling Common Voting Disinformation Narratives


Dispelling Common Voting Disinformation Narratives

Mis and disinformation is everywhere this election, make sure you have the right tools and resources on your side as you get ready to vote.

Ehrung schwarzer Frauen und HBCU-Absolventen anlässlich der Annahme der Nominierung von Senatorin Kamala Harris zur Vizepräsidentin


Ehrung schwarzer Frauen und HBCU-Absolventen anlässlich der Annahme der Nominierung von Senatorin Kamala Harris zur Vizepräsidentin

Alyssa Canty, Koordinatorin der Common Cause Student Alliance, denkt darüber nach, was die Nominierung von Senatorin Kamala Harris als Vizepräsidentschaftskandidatin für junge schwarze Frauen an Historically Black Colleges and Universities bedeutet.



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