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Gerrymander GazetTeeVee: Laugh While You Learn About the Fight for Fair Maps


Gerrymander GazetTeeVee: Laugh While You Learn About the Fight for Fair Maps

It's Season 1, Episode 1 of The Kathay & Dan Show. Early reviews from Hollywood suggest they may be the Sonny & Cher of Fair Maps. You have to be almost as old as Elbridge Gerry to understand that comedic reference.

Failure to Relocate People in Prison in Florence’s Path is an Abuse of Power


Failure to Relocate People in Prison in Florence’s Path is an Abuse of Power

As Hurricane Florence inches closer and closer to the east coast, government officials in the areas call for an immediate evacuation, but some are not upholding their own ethical responsibility by evacuating thousands of people in jails and prisons in the region.

Are You Voting for the First Time? Mother Jones Wants to Hear from You!


Are You Voting for the First Time? Mother Jones Wants to Hear from You!

With voter registration across the country up and large turnouts in special elections leading up to the mid-terms, the folks at Mother Jones are hoping to hear from first-time voters.

Karen’s View: August-September 2018


Karen’s View: August-September 2018

Welcome to Karen's View, an occasional look at the nationwide work of Common Cause from the desk of President Karen Hobert Flynn. What you will read below are highlights representing the work accomplished in August and the first week of September 2018.

“Fake” News Isn’t Only Issue Facing Media and Our Democracy


“Fake” News Isn’t Only Issue Facing Media and Our Democracy

So-called "fake" news isn't the only issue people should be concerned about with respect to the media. Even real news has an "infotainment" quality that lends itself to a herd mentality and the corporate mergers that consolidate decision-making in distant corporate HQ that care more about profit and dividends than covering city hall or the school board.

Democracy Download: Week of September 4, 2018


Democracy Download: Week of September 4, 2018

Democracy Download is an every-other-weekly round-up of democracy-related events from across the ideological spectrum.



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