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1786 Results


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1786 Results


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At Year’s End, Progress To Celebrate and Challenges Ahead


At Year’s End, Progress To Celebrate and Challenges Ahead

In a very challenging environment for democracy reform, we see proof every day that people power can still make a positive difference in our communities, states and the nation.

Mayor de Blasio Taking a Dip In Iowa Waters


Mayor de Blasio Taking a Dip In Iowa Waters

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is headed to Iowa. Is he "testing the waters" for a presidential campaign?

Campaign Finance Reforms Advancing in DC, Suffolk County NY.


Campaign Finance Reforms Advancing in DC, Suffolk County NY.

The Washington, D.C. City Council and the Legislature in Suffolk County, NY are expected to vote Tuesday on proposals to limit campaign spending and use public funds to supplement small dollar donations from individuals to candidates for local offices.

And the ‘Winner’ Is


And the ‘Winner’ Is

PolitiFact, the Pulitzer Prize-winning news service, has announced that its “Lie of the Year” is President Trump’s repeated claim that Russian meddling in the 2016 election is a “made-up” story.

Trumps Richterkandidat bei Senatsanhörung vernichtend kritisiert


Trumps Richterkandidat bei Senatsanhörung vernichtend kritisiert

In fünf peinlichen Minuten in einem Anhörungssaal des Senats demonstrierte Matthew Petersen, dass Intelligenz und Anstand allein noch nicht ausreichen, um eine Person für ein Bundesgericht zu qualifizieren.

FCC Repeals “First Amendment of the Internet”


FCC Repeals “First Amendment of the Internet”

Get ready to pay more for your internet service and to endure longer waits while some of your favorite websites are loading.



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