David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege


Lernen Sie David kennen …

David Vance ist der nationale Medienstratege für Common Cause. Er arbeitet mit Mitarbeitern auf nationaler und staatlicher Ebene zusammen, um Medien zu schaffen, die der Stimme der nationalen Organisation und ihrer 35 Landesbüros mehr Gewicht verleihen und die Demokratiereformagenda der nationalen Organisation strategisch vorantreiben.

Bevor er 2016 zu Common Cause kam, war David zehn Jahre lang als Leiter für Kommunikation und Forschung beim Campaign Legal Center tätig und beschäftigte sich dort mit Wahlkampffinanzierung, Wahlrecht und Fragen der Regierungsethik. Während seiner Zeit dort wuchs das Medienprofil der Organisation exponentiell und 2014 erhielt sie einen MacArthur Award für kreative und effektive Institutionen.

David verfügt über einen umfangreichen Hintergrund in den Bereichen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Journalismus. Er war als Leiter der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für einen internationalen Handelsverband tätig und arbeitete für zwei PR-Firmen in Washington, DC, wo er sich für eine breite Palette von Kunden aus den Bereichen Unternehmen, Verbände und gemeinnützige Organisationen um öffentliche Angelegenheiten, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Krisenfragen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene kümmerte.

Bevor er in die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit einstieg, arbeitete David für mehrere Nachrichtenbüros in Washington, D.C., WCAX-TV in Burlington, Vermont sowie für die Washington Post.

David stammt aus Washington, DC und hat einen MSJ von der Medill School of Journalism der Northwestern University und einen MFA in Kreativem Schreiben von der George Mason University.

Das Neueste von David Vance

Court Orders Gerrymandering North Carolina Legislators to Comply with Stay Conditions Requested by Challengers


Court Orders Gerrymandering North Carolina Legislators to Comply with Stay Conditions Requested by Challengers

A three-judge federal district court panel in North Carolina today issued its stay order in the partisan gerrymandering case Common Cause v. Rucho, ordering attorneys for the North Carolina Legislators who drew the maps to comply with the conditions requested by the Common Cause plaintiffs. Those conditions require the defendants to file their Jurisdictional Statement with the Supreme Court by October 1, 2018, and to seek no requests for extension of time while their appeal is pending before the Supreme Court.

New Scorecard Charts Pro-Democracy Positions for Members of the 115th Congress


New Scorecard Charts Pro-Democracy Positions for Members of the 115th Congress

With Election Day now less than two months away, Common Cause released its 2018 Democracy Scorecard to chart the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy. The reforms in question range from legislation to create a small donor matching fund system and increased disclosure requirements for outside political groups to bills to curb gerrymandering and strengthen the protections in the Voting Rights Act.

Common Cause Calls for Immediate Hearings on Reports of White House Turmoil


Common Cause Calls for Immediate Hearings on Reports of White House Turmoil

Today, Common Cause called on Congress to uphold its oversight responsibilities and immediately investigate the alarming accounts of President Trump’s “reckless” and “erratic behavior” since taking office that were made by a “senior official in the Trump administration” in an op-ed published anonymously in The New York Times last week. In a letter to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Common Cause urged immediate hearings on the disturbing...

Americans Deserve Full Disclosure on Brett Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination


Americans Deserve Full Disclosure on Brett Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination

Americans deserve the whole record of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, not the whitewashed version the Senate Judiciary Committee’s majority has released. As this week’s extraordinary events in the Committee have made clear, this is the least transparent Supreme Court nomination process in our lifetime. Millions of pages of Judge Kavanaugh’s records have been withheld from the Senate and from the public. Many that are in the Judiciary Committee’s possession are still marked “committee confidential,” even though making them...

Common Cause-Gerichtsbeschluss unterstützt die Umsetzung der neuen Kongresskarte nach den Wahlen und fordert einen Sonderermittler zur Festlegung neuer Wahlkreise nach den Wahlen 2018


Common Cause-Gerichtsbeschluss unterstützt die Umsetzung der neuen Kongresskarte nach den Wahlen und fordert einen Sonderermittler zur Festlegung neuer Wahlkreise nach den Wahlen 2018

Common Cause, joined by the League of Women Voters of North Carolina, filed a brief in Common Cause v. Rucho today concluding that a new congressional map in North Carolina should be implemented after the 2018 elections. With 67 days to go before the 2018 general election and a primary already conducted, Common Cause argued that new districts would generate election administration challenges that would cause confusion and lower voter turnout. The trial court ruled on Monday that North Carolina’s congressional map is an unconstitutional...

Common Cause Urges Senate to Withhold Consent on Lifetime Appointments to Supreme Court Until a Complete Record of All That’s at Stake is Public


Common Cause Urges Senate to Withhold Consent on Lifetime Appointments to Supreme Court Until a Complete Record of All That’s at Stake is Public

Today, Common Cause urged the United States Senate to exercise its constitutional power to withhold its consent on any presidential nominee for a lifetime appointment to the United States Supreme Court until a complete record of what’s at stake is laid bare, including all of a nominee’s records relevant to the job, and until more is public concerning Department of Justice investigations involving the president and the electoral process.

Trump Administration Destroys Unlawfully Obtained Voter Data in Legal Victory for Individual Citizens, Watchdog Groups


Trump Administration Destroys Unlawfully Obtained Voter Data in Legal Victory for Individual Citizens, Watchdog Groups

The Trump Administration has confirmed to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia that it has fulfilled its agreement to delete the state voter data that was unlawfully obtained by Trump’s Pence-Kobach Commission -- the very relief sought in a suit brought by Democracy Forward on behalf of its clients Common Cause and individual voters Jan Cantler, Anthony Gutierrez, Thomas Kennedy and Ellen Nakhnikian. The lawsuit was filed last year against the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, its Vice Chair...

Common Cause Files Amicus Brief To Restore Net Neutrality


Common Cause Files Amicus Brief To Restore Net Neutrality

Yesterday, Common Cause joined The Greenlining Institute, Center for Media Justice, Color of Change, 18 Million Rising, Media Alliance, and Media Mobilizing Project in filing an amicus brief urging the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit to vacate the Federal Communications Commission’s unlawful repeal of net neutrality. The groups argued that the FCC’s net neutrality rules are critical for civic engagement, civil rights, and democracy, particularly for communities of color.

Common Cause Files Petition to Deny Proposed T-Mobile-Sprint Merger


Common Cause Files Petition to Deny Proposed T-Mobile-Sprint Merger

Yesterday, Common Cause joined Consumer’s Union, New America’s Open Technology Institute, Public Knowledge, and Writer’s Guild of America West, Inc. in filing a petition with the Federal Communications Commission asking the agency to deny the proposed $26 billion merger of T-Mobile US Inc. and Sprint Corporation. If approved, the number of national wireless carriers would be reduced from four to three, leading to less competition and higher prices for consumers. Low-income and marginalized communities who disproportionately rely on...



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