
Fight continues for election modernization and voting rights

I’ve waited a long time to write this post, and I’m absolutely thrilled to do so!

Yesterday, the Massachusetts Senate overwhelmingly passed comprehensive election modernization legislation to expand voter access. The bill includes Election Day registration, audits of election equipment, online voter registration and more. That’s right. While other states around the country seek to restrict voting rights, our advocacy, and that of our coalition partners, is succeeding in protecting and expanding voting rights in Massachusetts!

I wrote the first bills for many of these reforms and have consistently fought for them over a decade. Our tenacity and activism have now paid off.

But the battle is not over. The bill now goes back to a conference committee where the House and Senate will iron out their differences. That’s why I need your help today.

Please make a donation today to support our continued fight for election modernization and voting rights.

Your donations, emails and calls to legislators and support on social media were absolutely essential to this tremendous victory. Your continued support is also critical to ultimate success: a signed bill on the Governor’s desk! If you can, please make a donation today to help us preserve the Senate version of the bill with Election Day registration and election audits. Anything you can give helps.

We cannot do it without you!


Pam Wilmot

and the rest of the team at Common Cause Massachusetts



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