
Das Weiße Haus hat das Helsinki-Transkript nicht korrigiert

Der Atlantic hat es sofort zur Kenntnis genommen; der Rest der Medienwelt holt auf, nachdem Rachel Maddow gestern Abend Bedenken geäußert hatte, dass das Weiße Haus eine Woche später das offizielle Transkript der Putin-Trump-Pressekonferenz in Helsinki nicht dahingehend korrigiert habe, dass die vollständige Frage von Jeff Mason enthalten sei.

The dissection of body language and parsing of every word from the Putin-Trump news conference in Helsinki continues more than a week later.  Giving credit where it’s due, the fact the White House official transcript  did not include the question Putin was aked was first noted by The Atlantic:

Understanding what Putin said depends on what you watch or where you look. If you watch the video of the news conference provided by the Russian government, or by news outlets such as PBS und die Associated Press, you will hear the Reuters reporter Jeff Mason ask a bombshell of a question: “President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?”

Putin then responds with a bombshell of an answer, according to the English translation of his remarks that was broadcast during the press conference: “Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal.”

“Normal,” to Putin, means restoring Russia to its superpower status despite its economic weakness. “Normal” for most White House staff when it comes to tapes and transcripts is no deletions and Sarah Huckabee Sanders hasn’t blamed the ghost of Rose Mary Woods, yet.

Mashable points out that some der sound is garbled making it arguable that the White House transcript reflects that fact and didn’t capture the question the rest of the world heard.

That might have been plausible on day one after Helsinki, but more than one week later, the omission seems all too convenient. Rachel Maddow lays out the case why the White House had every reason to leave the question out of the official transcript  and why that should concern all Americans.



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