
Tributes to Karen Hobert Flynn

Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause’s ninth President, passed away on March 3rd, 2023. A trailblazer and powerful advocate, Karen dedicated her career to reforming our government so it served everyone. Her lifelong contributions and legacy are felt throughout the democracy movement with her passing.

Below is a collection of tributes and messages we have received in Karen’s honor. You can see more about how we are commemorating Karen’s life on our memorial page here.

UNITED STATES – JUNE 15: Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause (Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call)

Past & Present Common Causers

“Karen Hobert Flynn dedicated her entire life to expanding and building an inclusive democracy. Her work and legacy will live on through all of us who continue the fight.” -Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and former Common Cause Board Member 

“So sad about the loss of my friend Karen. She worked every day to make our democracy stronger.” –Rebecca Cokley, Common Cause Board Member and American Disability Rights Activist 

“I’m shocked, devastated & heartbroken. We lost a phenomenal leader who believed in a democracy that includes all of us. A light in the darkness. There is so much to be said about what Karen has accomplished in her career but that isn’t what I’ll remember.  I had the honor of working with Karen when she was still ED of CC CT. I was a 20 something working on her 1st federal policy campaign, trying to prove her worth. I never had to with her. She nurtured my curiosity, shared her gifts & guided me. Never made me feel small.  Karen led with laughter & love. She was unapologetic about being a mom, something women are often asked to hide in our careers. She did this work for her 4 boys, showing me the way that you put family first & career was somewhere further down the list of priorities. Karen taught me how national & state organizations must work in collaboration. That relationships are important in this work & you follow the lead of folx on the ground. She taught me titles are just that a title, it doesn’t make you better than anyone. Every role matters. Karen showed me you can be a kind, generous powerhouse. She believed in my leadership. Every role I took after Common Cause, she cheered me on. When I took the helm of Ballot Strategy, she was one of the 1st to offer a hand.  Yes, we lost a leader. I lost a friend & mentor. Thank Karen sharing your light with all of us. For leading with purpose. For being an amazing mother, what I know you were most proud of. Thank you for believing that we all deserve a democracy of, for & by the people. I miss you madly.”  –Chris Melody Fields, Executive Director of Ballot Initiative Strategy Center (BISC) and former Common Cause staff

“I mourn the passing of my friend and great democracy leader Karen Hobart Flynn. She passed away last week, leaving a huge hole in many hearts. Her warmth, humanity, and devotion to democracy will inspire us forever.” –Archon Fung, Common Cause Board Member and Director of Harvard Ash Center 

“Karen was an amazing leader, mother, and friend. She will be deeply missed. RIP Karen.” –Lenny Mendonca, Common Cause Board Member 

“Karen Hobert Flynn was an amazing advocate for a democracy we can all be proud of. She and Common Cause have been at the front lines of fights– in Connecticut and nationally– for voting rights, campaign finance reform, fair redistricting, and so much more. Karen has also been a personal friend and comrade for 30 years. I will miss her deeply; and we are all the poorer for her leaving us so soon. Love you, Karen.” –Miles Rapoport, Executive Director of 100% Democracy and former Common Cause President

“We have lost a great American and a great friend. We can honor her memory by fighting even harder for a stronger, more inclusive, and more robust democracy.” –Robert Reich, Common Cause Board Chair Emeritus and former U.S. Secretary of Labor 

“Karen was kind and clear in her vision for democracy. A huge loss for her family and for those of us working with CC. Rest well.” –Tami Sawyer, Common Cause Board Member and Senior DEI Program Manager at Amazon 

I’m deeply saddened about the passing of my friend and the leader of an organization I care deeply about and serve as a member of the National Governing Board and chair of the state advisory board, Common Cause.” –Bilal Dabir Sekou, Common Cause Board Member 

“We are deeply saddened by the passing today of Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn. Karen also served as a member of the Democracy 21 board of directors. Karen was an extraordinary individual, a deeply committed person, and a uniquely skilled, tough-minded, and powerful leader in the battle to protect, preserve, and strengthen our democracy. She was a true descendant of John Gardner, the founder of Common Cause, where we first met and worked together decades ago. We continued working together for nearly 40 years. For me, Karen was the essence of what John Gardner had in mind when he founded Common Cause in 1970. Karen brought to her Common Cause presidency the same values, sense of purpose, and fighting spirit on which the organization was founded. Karen once said: “I have spent my life and had the opportunity to work with amazing people in Washington and across the country and what has amazed me is the power of a single person acting and fighting.” Karen was a terrific and inspiring leader who embodied that fighting “one person can make a difference” spirit from her earliest days when she joined Common Cause as an assistant in the 1980s, through her extraordinary work in Connecticut, and then back at the national level as Vice President and then President. Karen would say, “Democracy is not a destination. It requires continual vigilance and hard work.” We honor her legacy by carrying on the fight. Karen was a vitally important national leader of the public interest movement. She was, quite simply, a force of nature. On a personal level, I deeply valued her wisdom, her spirit, her keen political sense, her creative energy, and her friendship. She was a comrade-in-arms. Our deepest sympathies go to her family, to the Common Cause community, and to all of us who knew her, worked with her, and were inspired by her.” -Fred Wertheimer, President of Democracy 21 and former Common Cause President

“Thank you for honoring her many years of service to CC and the country. I had the pleasure of serving on CC’s board from 1978-84, having become a member in 1972. And I have remained one because of its commitment to good government thanks the leadership of Karen Hobert Flynn and many others like her.” – Doug Rushing, former Common Cause Board Member 

Public Officials

“Karen was a dedicated defender of democracy, whose principles and commitment to public service and public trust were unrivaled. Under her steadfast and unflinching leadership, Connecticut passed landmark public finance, ethics and disclosure laws that became a model for states across the nation. I am deeply saddened to learn of her passing and send my heartfelt condolences to her loved ones. Connecticut, and our nation, has lost a champion today.” –Connecticut U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal 

“Karen Hobert Flynn was one of a kind— an unrelenting champion of democracy, a staunch advocate of all things concerning voting rights, a humble leader, a loving mother, and a true friend. Heartbroken by this news. A loss for Common Cause and the country.” –Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Kristen Clarke 

“I am devastated. Karen was in my Rockwood family. Our cohort of social justice leaders gathered in the wake of Trump’s election & bonded fiercely & lovingly. She was an incredibly special part of my life & my leadership. My heart aches for her family & community. Rest in power.” –New York Assemblymember Jessica González-Rojas 

“Karen made a lasting impact on Connecticut politics as one of the architects of our nationally renowned public financing system, which has been mirrored by states around the country as a model for clean and fair government that encourages participation by all of our residents. Her life’s ambition has truly benefitted all of us. I am devastated to learn the news of her passing, and extend my condolences to her family, friends, and all her colleagues at Common Cause.” –Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont 

“Incredibly sad to have lost my friend and constituent Karen Hobert Flynn today. Karen was a warrior for a more just society. Grateful for all she did for our state and our country – and my deepest sympathies to her family and everyone at Common Cause.” –Connecticut State Senator Matt Lesser 

“I’m deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Karen Hobert Flynn. Her leadership in the fight for the freedom to vote has been instrumental. We’ve lost a true champion for democracy.” –Oregon U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley 

“Karen was a fierce public servant who dedicated her life to making our democracy fairer and more transparent. By shepherding Connecticut’s public financing system and disclosure laws, she made it possible for more people to get involved in the political process and created a model for states across the country. Her passing is a tremendous loss for Connecticut and the country, and I send my deepest condolences to her family, friends, and all who knew and loved her.” –Connecticut U.S. Senator Chris Murphy 

“Lovers of American democracy mourn the loss of trailblazer Karen Hobert Flynn. I was proud to work alongside the late Common Cause President on numerous initiatives strengthening our institutions & protecting the will of the people. We will all treasure her extraordinary legacy.” –Maryland U.S. Representative Jamie Raskin 

“A terrible loss for us all.” –Allison Riggs, North Carolina Court of Appeals Judge 

“Karen Hobert Flynn was a relentless fighter for a stronger, more inclusive democracy that represents all Americans. I will always remember her vibrant spirit, dedication and vision for our country. Thinking of her family and the Common Cause team.” –Maryland U.S. Representative John Sarbanes 

“Karen Hobert Flynn was a champion of numerous election reforms that benefit the residents of Connecticut every day. When chair of Common Cause Connecticut, she helped to pass the Citizens Election Program, one of the strongest campaign finance laws in the country. The program has had a great impact on political campaigning in our state, allowing candidates like me to run for office through small-dollar donations. I will continue to carry Karen’s legacy of strengthening our democracy and protecting voters’ rights through my work as Secretary of the State and extend my condolences to her family.” –Connecticut Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas 

“Very sorry to hear of Karen’s passing. Sending condolences to her family and the team at Common Cause, who I know will carry on her legacy strengthening democracy.” –Rhode Island U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse 

Common Cause Members

“Karen was a person that you thought would always be there… on the frontlines, doing what was right, leading effectively, and gaining allies every step of the way. And that’s precisely what she did.” -Bernard K., Connecticut

“I will miss seeing Karen in my inbox, thanking me for my donation, and making me feel like I am an important part of Common Cause. She was someone I admired, and she inspired me to do a little bit more. I am so sorry for her family, who will be bereft; I hope they will take some comfort knowing how beloved she was.” -Darren K., California

“I didn’t know her, but I thought she seemed like an inspiring, engaging, committed leader. She – and all of the Common Cause staff – make me proud to be a supporter of the organization. My deepest sympathies go to her family, friends and colleagues. May her memory be a blessing.” -Joyce H., Illinois

“So sad to hear of her passing. CC is a beautiful legacy & testament to the kind of person she was.” -Juventino O., Texas

“My deepest condolences to the Common Cause staff at the loss of your dedicated leader — and to Karen’s family and friends. May you find rededication in her ‘dream’ — our country so badly needs it now. And ‘thanks’ to the staff at Common Cause for all you do. Peace: I have been a member of Common Cause since John Anderson first proposed it.” -Fran G., Oregon

“I am heartbroken to imagine a world without Karen Hobert Flynn. I knew her as she moved from Connecticut executive director to Common Cause president—always a stalwart leader, focused on creating a better world, capable, full of common sense and generosity. And in the midst of her brilliant advocacy, she was also a proud parent to her sons. She was an incredible inspiration to me. What a loss to us all.” -Barb B., Minnesota

“I’m so sorry for the loss of Karen Hobert Flynn. She was an incredible for the voting rights and democracy. I have been a member of Common Cause for the past few years and have been proud to belong to the organization that she made so successful! My condolences to her family.” -Lee E., California

“Common Cause is synonymous with integrity, truth and the highest ideals of democracy and Karen Hobert Flynn is synonymous with Common Cause. What a loss for our nation, our government and the American people.” -Diane G., Colorado

“My condolences to Karen’s family, friends, co-workers and to all of us who share and work toward her vision of an inclusive democracy. Though our loss is large, her legacy is luminous.” -Mary O., Maine


“We mourn the loss of our friend and colleague Karen Hobert Flynn. We offer our deepest condolences to her family and friends, to her Common Cause colleagues, and to all the people whose lives she touched through her work holding government accountable. What a great loss this is, but what a powerful example she set and what an extraordinary legacy she leaves.” –100% Democracy 

“I was shocked & saddened to hear of the passing of Karen Hobert Flynn. May she rest in peace and her good works inspire generations to come. May your staff find peace of mind in knowing that the org has survived such a transition before, as difficult as the days ahead may be.” –Eddie Hailes, Advancement Project 

“Our thoughts are with our colleagues at Common Cause, as well as the friends and family of Karen Hobert Flynn.” –All Voting is Local 

“Deeply saddened to hear the news of Karen Hobert Flynn’s passing. Karen was a democracy champion and leaves a legacy that we aspire to match. She will be so very missed.” – American Constitution Society

“American Oversight is saddened to learn of the passing of Karen Hobert Flynn, the president of Common Cause and a fearless champion in the fight to protect our democracy. We extend our deepest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues.” –American Oversight 

“I am devastated by the loss of Karen Hobart Flynn. We should all follow her example. My condolences to all who were lucky enough to know and work with her. May her memory be a blessing.” –Wendy Weiser, Vice President for Democracy at Brennan Center 

“Devastating. ⁦Karen was a tremendous leader, a giant in the field who also managed to be deeply kind. She leaves behind a beautiful family whom she clearly adored. Please keep them and the staff of ⁦Common Cause⁩ in your thoughts.” –Daniel I. Weiner, Director of Elections and Government Program at Brennan Center 

 “Karen’s dedication to protecting & strengthening our #democracy was unwavering. Her leadership on issues of critical importance will be greatly missed, including safeguarding the freedom to vote, ethics, & transparency in the sources of funding for our elections and candidates.” –Trevor Potter, President of the Campaign Legal Center 

“A huge loss for the democracy advocacy community. Thinking of all my friends and colleagues at Common Cause during this difficult time.” –Jonathan Diaz, Voting Rights Lawyer at Campaign Legal Center 

“Karen spent her life devoted to making our democracy stronger and more inclusive for all. She was a creative and tenacious force who made Common Cause one of the nation’s most respected organizations fighting to preserve America’s democratic values. She helped secure important government reforms at the federal, state, and local levels and was a tireless champion to protect voting rights, limit the influence of money in politics, and promote ethical behavior in government. The nation owes Karen a debt of gratitude. We hold her family and our partner organization Common Cause in our thoughts and prayers.” –Center for American Progress (CAP) President Patrick Gaspard 

“Heartbreaking news. My thoughts are with all our friends at Common Cause.” –Madeleine Doubek, Executive Director of CHANGE Illinois  

“I met Karen long ago in the late 90’s. She has ever been a fighter for democracy, she never let up. RIP.” –Brad Rourke, Dir. External Affairs & DC Ops for the Charles F. Kettering Foundation 

“Such devastating news today with the loss of Common Cause’s Karen Hobert Flynn. A great person and a fierce leader in the fight for democracy. Heartbreaking.” –Noah Bookbinder, President of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) 

“I am just absolutely heartbroken by this. Karen was a force of nature. An incredible leader, a fierce advocate, and all-around great person. I am going to miss her so much.” –Adam Smith, Vice President at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) 

“Karen was a tireless advocate for democracy, an institution-builder and a friend. May her memory be an inspiration to all of us fighting for a true democracy, now more than ever.” –Heather McGhee, Board Chair of Color of Change 

“Very sad news from our friends and allies Common Cause… Sending our warmest thoughts and deepest sympathies to Karen’s family, friends, and all those touched by her vibrant defense of democracy and the common good.” –Common Dreams 

“We join the Common Cause family in mourning the loss of a giant. Karen Hobert Flynn was a force for democracy and a voice for DC Statehood.” –DC Vote 

“We’re deeply saddened to learn of the passing of a true champion for democracy, Karen Hobert Flynn. May we remember the lessons she taught us & honor her legacy by continuing the fight for democracy & justice. Our hearts go out to her family and our friends at Common Cause.” –Declaration for American Democracy 

“We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Karen Hobert Flynn — an incredible leader in the fight for our democracy. We extend our condolences to our friends at Common Cause.” –Demokratie-Agenda 

“Democracy Fund mourns the loss of Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn. Her role as a staunch democracy defender over the past four decades and her commitment to achieving an American democracy that is inclusive and equitable for all made her a key partner to Democracy Fund since its inception. While her absence will be painful to bear, Karen will continue to inspire us daily in our work. In our country’s toughest moments, she was not deterred from her vision and wholeheartedly supported her colleagues and partners in the pro-democracy field each step of the way. We are grateful for Karen’s years of leadership and work at Common Cause and will miss her friendship and wisdom. We are here for our friends and colleagues at Common Cause as we all grieve and celebrate Karen’s impactful life together.”- Democracy Fund

Karen was a remarkable leader. I’m shocked at her loss. We all must live up to her memory.” –Joe Goldman, President of Democracy Fund 

“I’m devastated to learn the passing was Karen. I co-chaired the Democracy Initiative Board with Karen for about 5 years. She was a passionate advocate for Democracy and the system change we need. She will be missed. Let’s keep her memory by commenting to restore our democracy.” – Tefere Gebre, former Board Co-Chair of Democracy Initiative 

“Today we lost a champion of democracy. And, many of us lost a friend. May Karen’s tenacity and fight live on in all of us. Honored to have been in her orbit and to have learned from her leadership. Rest in power, my dear friend.” –Taifa Smith Butler, President of Demos 

“We mourn the loss of Karen Hobert Flynn, the president of Common Cause, a valued member of the Task Force, and a steadfast voice for free and fair elections for decades. Our hearts are with Karen’s loved ones and our colleagues at Common Cause.” –Election Task Force 

“We extend our deepest condolences to the Common Cause family. Karen Hobert Flynn was a remarkable individual who touched the lives of so many in the fight to protect democracy. Her tireless work on behalf of women, workers, and marginalized communities will have a lasting impact.” –End Citizens United 

“Thinking of and praying for Karen’s family and friends and everyone at Common Cause.” –Adam Bozzi, EVP Communications at End Citizens United  

“So saddened to hear this devastating news. Karen was a true fighter for democracy…never backing down and always demanding a more just and equitable country. More importantly, she was a great friend. I was truly honored to work with and learn from her over the past 7 years.”-Tiffany Muller, President of End Citizens United 

“All of us at EJS send our condolences to the family, loved ones, and colleagues of Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn. We’re so sorry for your loss.” –Equal Justice Society 

This is very sad news. She will be missed.” –Ken Lawler, Chair of Fair Districts Georgia 

“We are sad to learn of the passing of Karen Hobert Flynn, a true champion for democracy and advocate for voting rights, ethics, and ending the influence of big money in politics. We offer our deepest condolences to her loved ones and the Common Cause family.” –Fair Fight 

“On behalf of Fair Vote and so many electoral reform and voting rights allies, I wanted to share my deepest condolences for this bracing news. Karen was in the reform trenches for decades and one of the most dedicated people I’ve ever met.” –Rob Richie, CEO of Fair Vote 

“It is going to take many of us fighting for our democracy to fill the huge hole left with the passing of legendary Karen Hobart Flynn. She will be remembered. She will be missed. And she will forever inspire us all to fight for the values she lived by.” –Annie Leonard, Co-Executive Director at Greenpeace  

“Karen was a warm, inspiring leader within the democracy community and a shining example of what it means to walk the talk.’ Despite her shrewd understanding of today’s destructive politics, she never lost her idealism or her faith in the power of we, the people. She will be sorely missed”. – Nick Penniman,  Founder and CEO of Issue One

“We are saddened to learn of the passing of Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn. Today, democracy lost one of its fiercest defenders: Karen Hobert Flynn.”- The Johnson Family Foundation

“I am saddened by this terrible news. Karen was a fierce advocate for democracy. She was instrumental in helping to rebuild Common Cause Minnesota over a decade ago and helping to mentor me as we worked to rebuild democratic institutions throughout the Midwest.” –Mike Dean, Executive Director of Lead MN 

“We’re so deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Karen Hobert Flynn – a brilliant leader, dedicated advocate, and fierce defender of our democracy. Our thoughts are with Karen’s family and friends – and with everyone at Common Cause. Rest in power.” –Die Leadership-Konferenz zu Bürger- und Menschenrechten 

“It’s women’s history month. Seems so fitting to remember how many women lead the change we need to perfect this union and have a government responsive to all of us. Karen Hobert Flynn was a light, a force and a fighter for democracy. She will be missed & remembered!” –Maya Wiley, President and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights  

“The LWV family is deeply saddened to lose this true democracy defender. Our hearts go out to Karen’s family and loved ones.” –The League of Women Voters of the U.S.

“I am deeply saddened to learn of Karen’s passing. She was a friend and a fierce champion of democracy. Please pray for her family and the staff at Common Cause at this time. This is such a devastating loss.” – Virginia Kase Solomon, CEO of League of Women Voters 

“Am gutted to hear that my friend Karen Hobert Flynn passed today. She worked to energize and grow the power of Common Cause for the benefit of the public. A hero, who dedicated her life to better government.” –Adam Ambrogi, Chief of External Affairs at League of Women Voters 

“It’s a sad day for democracy. Everyone in the voting rights space knew Karen and her leadership at Common Cause was widely respected. My love and support goes out to her family and colleagues. She will be greatly missed.” –Sarah Courtney, Chief Communications Officer at League of Women Voters 

“We are sad to hear about the passing of Karen Hobert Flynn. She was a fearless champion of democracy and an inspiring leader.” –More Equitable Democracy 

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of Karen Hobert Flynn. Under Karen’s leadership, the NAACP’s partnership with Common Cause has flourished. She committed her entire life, working tirelessly, toward ensuring that democracy works for all. A truly innovative and impactful leader whose efforts and energy were felt not only throughout the organization represented, but throughout the communities she dedicated her life to. The NAACP pauses in this moment to extend our sincerest gratitude to a fearless leader whose steadfast commitment to empowering all people to make their voices heard in the political process has, and will, continue to shape our democracy. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family as well as the Common Cause organization.” –National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 

We send our sincere condolences to our friends at ⁦Common Cause⁩ for the passing of President Karen Hobert Flynn – a true fighter for democracy and justice.” –Janai Nelson, President and Director-Counsel of LDF (NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, Inc. 

“Our democracy is stronger because of the invaluable effort of advocates like Karen Hobert Flynn. I was deeply saddened to hear of her passing last week. Let us honor and remember her life by continuing to defend and strengthen our country’s greatest asset—our democracy.” –Becky Pringle, President of the National Education Association

“NALEO Educational Fund mourns the passing of Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause’s ninth national president. We join Common Cause New York, Common Cause North Carolina, Common Cause Florida, Common Cause Texas, California Common Cause, and other chapters in praising her activism and honoring her legacy.” –NALEO Bildungsfonds 

“My heart goes out the great folks at Common Cause.” –Jen Ramos, Director of Policy at NHMC 

“We’re deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Karen Hobert Flynn. Karen was a fierce democracy defender and a dedicated public servant, and we are deeply grateful for her leadership. We’re sending love and prayers to her family and the entire Common Cause team.” – The National Redistricting Foundation

“What a loss for democracy and justice. Karen Hobert Flynn led Common Cause through years of tumult with strength, grace, dignity, tenacity, courage. She died way too young. May her memory be a blessing.” – Norman Ornstein

“We are deeply saddened at the loss of this champion for democracy and send our deepest sympathies to her family and to our dear friends at Common Cause.” –Menschen für den amerikanischen Weg 

“So very sad about the death of the brilliant and vibrant leader Karen Hobert Flynn. She had endless energy and a deeply grounded faith in the ability of people to advance the common good through collective action.” –Peter Montgomery, Senior Fellow and Research Director, Right Wing Watch, People For the American Way

“I am so so saddened by Karen’s death. That’s because, so often, I’ve been lifted by her dedication, example, support, and collaboration. There are countless times her counsel helped me, both professionally and personally. She will be sorely missed and so very much remembered.” –David Donnelly, Lead Strategist at Pro-Democracy Center and Campaign 

“Devastating news. My heart is with democracy friends and partners at Common Cause across the country today.” –Ben Raderstorf, Policy Advocate at Protect Democracy 

“This is a horrible, devastating loss for those of us who knew and loved Karen and benefited from her wisdom, strategic mindedness, passion and kindness. And it is a terrible loss for a nation that has lost a great champion for democracy and justice.” –Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen 

“Democracy loses a warrior. We all lose an incredible friend and human. This is so very devastating.” –Lisa Gilbert, Executive Vice President of Public Citizen 

“Karen Hobert Flynn, what gifts of justice and beauty you have left for us. We will not waste a single one of them. Rest well. Solidarity in this world and the next. Thinking of Karen’s family, friends and the phenomenal team and network that is Common Cause.” –Eric K. Ward, EVP at Race Forward 

“Karen was a fierce advocate for good government, generous to those who sought her out and equally sharp in mind and wit.” –Dave Levinthal, Editor in Chief at Raw Story 

“Karen was one of the kindest women in Washington, DC I have known – I’ll keep working to uphold democracy, win equality & forge justice to honor her legacy.” –Cynthia Richie Terrell, CEO of Represent Women 

“We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Common Cause. President Karen Hobert Flynn, a dear friend that lived her life to move our democracy forward. We are forever impacted by her life, her work and her legacy.” –RepresentUs 

“We are sending our love to Karen and the Common Cause family.” –Rock the Vote 

“This is an unbelievable loss. Karen was a champion and a moral compass. Her legacy remains a guiding light. You will be missed friend.” –Keesha Gaskins-Nathan, Director of Democratic Practice Program & Racial Justice Initiative, Rockefeller Brothers Fund 

“Our movement lost a kind and dedicated leader who championed transformational and inclusive democracy for all. Karen Hobert Flynn worked tirelessly to strengthen our democracy and ensure it works for every person regardless of race, zip code, or income. Karen’s work lives on. Her legacy will continue to shine through the Sierra Club, Common Cause, and the entire movement’s fight to grow a just and equitable democracy. The Sierra Club joins Common Cause in celebrating Karen’s life, and we share our condolences with her family, her colleagues, and the community and movement she helped grow.” –Sierra Club Director Ben Jealous 

“We were saddened to learn of the passing of Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn, a fierce advocate for voters and an inspiration to all who seek a more transparent, inclusive, and accountable democracy. Our hearts go out to Common Cause, who we are proud to call a coalition member and client. We are committed to honoring President Flynn’s memory by continuing to partner with and support Common Cause in its mission to protect and strengthen the right to vote for all.” – Ryan Roberson, Executive Director of Southern Coalition for Social Justice. 

“What an incredible loss. Thank you Karen Hobert Flynn for your advocacy, for your guidance, for everything.” –Staatliche Stimmen  

“Rest in peace.”- Justin Hendrix, Editor at Tech Policy Press 

Just horrific news. Karen was a wonderful person in addition to being a staunch advocate for democracy. So sad to hear of her passing.” –Jessica Newman, Deputy Political Director at United for Respect 

“Our democracy lost one of its fiercest defenders today — Karen Hobert Flynn, President of Common Cause and tireless advocate for free & fair democracy. Tonight we’re mourning with Common Cause & all of our friends in the fight for voting rights. May her memory be a blessing.” –When We All Vote 

“We lost an incredible leader.” –Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition 

“This is tragic.  Karen was a guiding light on so many issues core to our democracy.  My thoughts are with Karen and her family. It’s hard to find the words, but may her energy, inspiration and commitment be a force that continues in all of us.” – Gary Bass, Executive Director Emeritus of Bauman Foundation and Co-Chair of Fair Representation in Redistricting

“Karen was such a wise strategist and dogged advocate and she approached every issue with both a profound ethical foundation and a kind and caring demeanor. We had friends and history in common and I respected her immensely. Much love to her whole family, personal and professional.” –Peter Ferenbach, Co-Founder and Director of Strategy at ReThink Media

“For more than three decades, Karen was on the frontlines of the movement to protect and strengthen American democracy. Her legacy will be felt in Connecticut, Washington DC, and across the country. Few Americans have done more to help protect voting rights, reduce the influence of big money in our politics, and build a truly representative democracy. We stand in her footsteps as we continue that work.” –Sean Eldridge, Founder & President of Stand Up America

“On behalf of DWA Indivisible, I extend condolences to you, and the Common Cause family. This is indeed a tragic and indisputable loss for all of us. Karen will be sorely missed for her energy, extraordinary leadership, and enduring commitment to CT.” – Claire Walsh, DEMOCRACY Women In Action Lower CT River Valley



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