
Connecticut Blogbeitrag

Delaware braucht einen Test zum staatlichen Wahlrechtsgesetz

Mit Ihrer Hilfe kann Connecticut im Jahr 2023 eine landesweite Vorreiterrolle im Bereich des Wahlrechts auf Bundesstaatsebene einnehmen.

On Monday, the Government Administration and Elections (GAE) Committee in the Connecticut General Assembly heard testimony on S.B. No. 1226, An Act Concerning State Voting Rights in Recognition of John R. Lewis, also known as the Connecticut Voting Rights Act. 

Teran Loeppke, Organizer at Common Cause in Connecticut, submitted the following testimony in support of this legislation. 

It’s not too late to voice your support for critical voting rights reforms this session: write to your lawmakers Hier in support of the CTVRA. With your help, Connecticut can set the standard for state-level voting rights in 2023.


Testimony by Teran Loepke on the CTVRA


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