
Presione soltar

La Cámara de Representantes de Delaware escuchará un controvertido proyecto de ley sobre el derecho al voto de las empresas

Common Cause Delaware se opone firmemente al proyecto de ley que permitiría a las “entidades artificiales” votar en las elecciones municipales

Common Cause Delaware is disappointed that the House Administration Committee voted unanimously in favor of HB 121, a bill introduced by state Rep. Daniel Short that would allow artificial entities like corporations, LLCs, and trusts to participate in Seaford’s municipal elections.

“The committee’s decision today is shocking. I have to wonder why these lawmakers would vote in favor of wealthy special interests and outsiders,” said Claire Snyder-Hall, executive director of Common Cause Delaware. “This bill dilutes the votes of Seaford residents and gives corporations the power to kick in the door and dominate our political processes. I urge lawmakers to put a stop to this bill.”

Common Cause Delaware encourages Seaford residents and other concerned Delawareans to contact their representatives right away and urge them to vote NO on HB 121. 

Snyder-Hall’s testimony from today’s hearing is available aquí.

In a state with more registered businesses than people, this is not the first time corporate owners have attempted to interfere with elections. In 2019, the Newark city council passed a resolution to stop artificial entities from voting in local elections after a Newark property manager in control of 31 LLCs, which own 31 parcels of land in the city, voted 31 times during a $28 million capital referendum.

In 2018, Rehoboth Beach residents rose up to stop a proposal to allow LLCs to vote.

While HB 121 does not allow Seaford residents who own businesses to vote twice, it does allow non-resident business owners to vote twice – once where they live and a second time in Seaford, where they do not live. Thus, it violates the principle of one person, one vote.

Claire Snyder-Hall is available for interviews on this issue at



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