
Extrait d'actualité

La Chambre des représentants du Delaware prépare un projet de loi pour permettre aux entreprises de voter

« Après Citizens United, c'est un pas de plus vers la tyrannie des entreprises. »

Cet article est apparu à l'origine in Truthout on June 27, 2023 and was written by Sharon Zhang.

Below is executive director Claire Snyder-Hall’s comment on legislation that would allow corporations to participate in Seaford municipal elections.

“‘One person, one vote’ is a long agreed upon principle that governs our elections. Proponents of this bill have tried to frame this as an innocuous way to give business owners more power, but in reality, this legislation has the power to transform our elections for the worse,” said Claire Snyder-Hall, executive director of watchdog group Common Cause Delaware.

“In tandem with Delaware’s lenient incorporation regulations, this legislation could give LLCs, trusts, and outsiders the power to dominate Seaford’s elections,” Snyder-Hall continued. “Artificial entities should not have voting rights.”

“After Citoyens Unis, this is another step down the road to corporate tyranny,” Snyder Hall told The Lever. “It’s bad enough that Citoyens Unis gives corporations free speech rights. Now Seaford wants to give voting rights to corporations.”

 Pour lire l'article complet, Cliquez ici. 



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