
Communiqué de presse

Common Cause Delaware soulève des questions sur le projet de loi de redécoupage des circonscriptions électorales qui déplace les lignes de circonscription déjà approuvées

Aujourd'hui, Common Cause Delaware demande à l'Assemblée générale du Delaware de répondre aux questions sur le projet de loi 335 de la Chambre, qui a été adopté à l'unanimité par le Comité d'administration de la Chambre mardi. À première vue, le projet de loi semble apporter des ajustements aux districts de la Chambre et du Sénat qui ont été adoptés par l'Assemblée générale en novembre 2021.

Today, Common Cause Delaware is calling on the Delaware General Assembly to answer questions about House Bill 335, which passed unanimously out of the House Administration Committee on Tuesday. On its face, the bill appears to make adjustments to House and Senate districts that were passed by the General Assembly in November of 2021.

“We have some serious questions about this bill and why it was necessary,” said Claire Snyder-Hall, directrice exécutive de Common Cause Delaware. “Last year, leadership said that the maps needed to be settled by November 8, 2021, in order for candidates to comply with the one-year residency rule.  So why are these changes being made four months after that deadline? Delaware residents and activists showed up in force last year to advocate for fair and representative maps, but the public wasn’t notified that changes were needed or happening.”

While the General Assembly website indicates that House Bill 335 is a mechanical fix to ensure that election districts are correct, advocates continue to raise questions regarding the lack of transparency surrounding this bill.

Snyder-Hall said, “Delawareans deserve a government that is accountable to all of us. That means complete transparency and a meaningful opportunity to weigh in on policy changes that affect our lives. Our House and Senate districts will impact who we can elect to represent us and what resources our communities receive for the next decade. During this Sunshine Week, we are calling on the General Assembly to immediately provide (1) additional public information regarding the reasons for the map adjustments; (2) an interactive map including the shapefiles and block assignment files for the new districts proposed in HB 335; and (3) an opportunity for the public to weigh in on these new districts.” 



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