
Communiqué de presse

“Long Past Time to Fix This:” Common Cause Delaware Supports Election Access Bills

Common Cause Delaware supports two bills that were heard in Committee at the Legislative Hall today that would significantly improve election access in Delaware.

HB 93 would require all municipalities to use the state’s system as its source of registration information for resident voters. Of the 57 municipalities in Delaware, only 17 use the state’s Voter Registration System to determine eligibility to vote in local elections. Residents of other municipalities must register separately with the municipality before voting in a local election.

This bill was introduced in the House by Rep. Bryan Shupe and is currently under consideration in the House Administration Committee. The bill has bipartisan support.  

SB 3 would eliminate constitutional barriers to no-excuse absentee voting. This legislation authorizes the General Assembly to enact general laws providing the circumstances, rules, and procedures for absentee voting. 

This bill was introduced in the Senate by Sen. Darius Brown and is currently under consideration in the Senate Executive Committee.

Statement of Common Cause Delaware Executive Director Claire Snyder-Hall:

“Common Cause Delaware strongly supports these bills because both aim to solve basic administrative issues that impede access to our elections. 

“Any reasonable person would expect that being registered to vote with the state of Delaware would also qualify them to vote in their own town’s election. But in more than 40 municipalities, voters must separately register a second time to be able to vote in local elections.

“No-excuse absentee voting is already commonplace in many states, and has been shown to increase voter turnout. It is long past time that we allow voters to participate in the manner that works best for them, whether that be in-person or through the mail.

“It’s long past time to fix these issues, and ensure that all Delaware voters are able to have their voices heard in their elections, regardless of where they live or how they decide to vote.”



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