
Communiqué de presse

La législature du Delaware envoie le projet de loi sur le vote par correspondance au bureau du gouverneur

Le projet de loi permettra à tous les électeurs du Delaware de demander un bulletin de vote par correspondance, afin qu'ils puissent voter en toute sécurité dans le confort de leur domicile, s'ils le souhaitent. Cela ajoute une autre option pour les électeurs, qui peuvent également voter à leur bureau de vote le jour de l'élection ou déposer leur bulletin de vote par anticipation dans l'un des bureaux de vote anticipé.

Dans un vote bipartisan, the Delaware House has just passed SB 320, a bill establishing universal vote by mail in time for the 2022 elections. The bill now goes to Governor Carney’s desk for a signature. 

The bill will allow all Delaware voters to request a mail-in ballot, so they can vote safely from the comfort of their own homes, if they so choose. This method of voting will add another option for voters who can also vote at their polling place on election day or cast their ballots early at one of the early voting locations. Read testimony of Common Cause Delaware Executive Director Claire Snyder-Hall on the bill ici.

Last week, the Delaware Legislature passed a bill providing for same-day voter registration, including at polling places on Election Day. Read more ici et ici.

Déclaration de la directrice exécutive de Common Cause Delaware, Claire Snyder-Hall

Common Cause Delaware enthusiastically thanks the members of the General Assembly for exercising their constitutional authority to establish vote by mail as a method of voting in Delaware, just in time for the 2022 elections. 

We have been working for years, as part of the Delaware Voting Rights Coalition, to establish a way for Delawareans to vote safely from home. In 2020, voters were allowed to vote by mail on a temporary basis, due to the COVID pandemic, and we didn’t have any problems with it. This new bill codifies vote by mail as an option for all voters on a permanent basis. 

This is a huge step forward for voters. With this bill, Delaware joins 34 other states that allow all voters to vote by mail. No Delawarean should be denied the freedom to vote because they fear for their health or any other reason.

All First State voters will benefit from this change, as it helps move Delaware toward the goal of universal voter participation.



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