
블로그 게시물

존 코왈코 주니어 의원을 우리와 함께 기려주셔서 감사합니다!

우리는 델라웨어주 존 가드너 평생공로상을 코왈코 주니어 의원에게 수여하게 되어 자랑스럽습니다. 이 상은 CCDE의 최고 영예입니다.

In May, Common Cause Delaware hosted over 100 advocates, allies, activists, and Delawareans for an event to celebrate Rep. John Kowalko, Jr., a long time leader in the General Assembly and an exemplar of a true community activist. 


우리는 델라웨어주 존 가드너 평생공로상을 코왈코 주니어 의원에게 수여하게 되어 자랑스럽습니다. 이 상은 CCDE의 최고 영예입니다. 


When John Gardner founded Common Cause back in 1970, he wrote, “Our agenda must be an agenda for 모두 Americans – for the poor, the comfortable and those in between, for young and old, for black and white, for city dweller and farmer, for men and women.” Rep. Kowalko’s lifetime of advocacy on behalf of everyday Delawareans has spanned across issues, from public education, to public utilities, to health care. His work is rooted in the spirit of Gardner’s original mission. 


We are grateful to all the sponsors and attendees who made the event a great success. And most of all, we are thankful for our members who support our work in a variety of ways – attending events, contacting legislators, and talking to friends and neighbors about the issues that affect us. We couldn’t do it without our members! 




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