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124개 결과

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필터 재설정



124개 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정

Washington Post: Stormy Daniels’s tale gains renewed momentum with Trump lawyer’s claim

뉴스 클립

Washington Post: Stormy Daniels’s tale gains renewed momentum with Trump lawyer’s claim

The tabloid tale of money paid to an adult-film star to keep quiet about an alleged affair in 2006 with President Trump gained renewed momentum Wednesday after Trump’s longtime personal attorney said he paid a six-figure settlement to the actress, and her representative said she now felt free to tell her story.


Paul S. Ryan, Common Cause’s vice president for litigation, said that Cohen’s statement does not get rid of the legal issue for him and the Trump campaign.

Delaware Disclosure Law Upheld by Federal Appeals Court

보도 자료

Delaware Disclosure Law Upheld by Federal Appeals Court

“This morning, transparency and accountability in our elections won the day. After Citizens United unleashed the floodgates to unlimited special interest campaign spending, Delaware adopted one of the strongest disclosure laws in the country to assure that voters would – at the very least – know where all of the money in politics is coming from. Transparency and disclosure of campaign cash helps Delaware citizens hold our elected officials accountable and make informed choices at the ballot box.”

Veasey: The ‘Delaware Way’ can become a worthy label again

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Veasey: The ‘Delaware Way’ can become a worthy label again

This is the full speech as written by former Delaware Supreme Court Chief E. Norman Veasey that was delivered to The Rotary Club of Wilmington April 10, 2014

So where is campaign finance reform?

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So where is campaign finance reform?

The clock is ticking on Delaware's next campaign finance scandal. It inevitably will run out at some point. Where or when is anyone's guess. However, it will happen at some point and for two reasons.



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