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124개 결과

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필터 재설정



124개 결과

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필터 재설정

TONIGHT: Delaware House to Lead First Public Redistricting Hearing on Draft Maps

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TONIGHT: Delaware House to Lead First Public Redistricting Hearing on Draft Maps

Tonight, House state legislators will provide the first opportunity for the public to weigh in on draft maps in a hybrid redistricting hearing in-person in the House Chamber and virtually on Zoom at 6:00 p.m. The public will be invited to provide testimony, during which Common Cause Delaware will advocate for a redistricting timeline extension, highlight the need for reform, and press for fair maps that prioritize the interests of the voters.

Delaware Auditor Indicted – Statement of Common Cause Delaware

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Delaware Auditor Indicted – Statement of Common Cause Delaware

If these charges are true, they are a particularly egregious violation of the public trust. Delaware’s Auditor is supposed to prevent and detect these sorts of activities, to protect our taxpayer dollars from misuse. Our state officials are supposed to act in the public’s interest, not their own.

TONIGHT: Delaware State Legislature to Hold First Public Redistricting Hearing

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TONIGHT: Delaware State Legislature to Hold First Public Redistricting Hearing

Tonight, after calls from a grassroots coalition led by Common Cause Delaware, state legislators will hold the first of a series of public redistricting hearings virtually on Zoom at 6:00 p.m. The public will be invited to provide testimony, during which Common Cause Delaware will advocate for fair maps that prioritize the interests of voters ahead the interests of any one political party or elected official.

미국 인구조사국, 보다 참여적인 재구획 프로세스를 위한 새로운 데이터 형식 발표

보도 자료

미국 인구조사국, 보다 참여적인 재구획 프로세스를 위한 새로운 데이터 형식 발표

오늘, 미국 인구조사국은 올해의 재구획 주기에서 공정한 지도를 옹호하고자 하는 미국인을 위해 사용하기 쉬운 형식으로 2020년 인구조사의 인구 데이터를 공개할 예정입니다. 이 새로운 형식의 데이터는 50개 주, 컬럼비아 특별구, 푸에르토리코에서 모두 사용할 수 있으며, 진행 중인 재구획 노력에 대한 참여를 늘리는 데 중요할 것입니다.

State Leaders Respond to Common Cause Delaware’s Calls for Redistricting Reform

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State Leaders Respond to Common Cause Delaware’s Calls for Redistricting Reform

Less than a week after Common Cause Delaware urged state leaders to share information about this year’s redistricting process, today state leaders announced the first hearing date, their intent to hold multiple future hearings, and the creation of website where the public can review data.

State Leaders Continue to Ignore Calls for A Fair Redistricting Process

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State Leaders Continue to Ignore Calls for A Fair Redistricting Process

One week since Common Cause Delaware most recently called for a more transparent and participatory redistricting process, state leaders still have not given the public any information about how redistricting will work or set dates for public hearings. Since August, Common Cause Delaware and a coalition of more than 15 diverse community organizations have repeatedly urged state leaders to share details about the redistricting process with the public.

Bay to Bay News: Commentary: Let’s keep redistricting in Delaware fair

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Bay to Bay News: Commentary: Let’s keep redistricting in Delaware fair

The public must have a chance to provide input both before and after the maps are drawn. Before lawmakers put pen to paper, they should listen to community stakeholders about what issues are most important to them and how legislative districts are relevant to their everyday lives.

State Legislators Urge Carper and Coons to ‘Do Whatever it Takes’ to Pass the For The People Act

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State Legislators Urge Carper and Coons to ‘Do Whatever it Takes’ to Pass the For The People Act

Delaware’s Senate Majority Leadership and 17 other state legislators have sent a letter to US Senators Carper and Coons, thanking them for their support of the For the People Act and urging them “to do whatever it takes to pass it and get it to President Biden’s desk, even if it means reforming the filibuster.”

Common Cause Delaware and 25 Other Grassroots Organizations Thank Senators Carper and Coons for Cosponsoring the ‘For the People Act’ and Request Meetings with Them

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Common Cause Delaware and 25 Other Grassroots Organizations Thank Senators Carper and Coons for Cosponsoring the ‘For the People Act’ and Request Meetings with Them

The For the People Act would create national standards for voting access, get big money out of politics, enforce ethics standards for all three branches of government, and require congressional districts to be drawn by a non-partisan commission so that no one party has an advantage.

유권자 등록 시스템 개선안 통과, 주지사에게 전달

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유권자 등록 시스템 개선안 통과, 주지사에게 전달

Common Cause Delaware는 총회에서 자동 유권자 등록 법안(SB 5)이 통과된 것을 환영합니다. '국민에 의한' 우리 정부는 더 많은 사람들이 참여할 때 더 강력해지고, AVR이 도입됨에 따라 100% 유권자 등록이라는 목표에 더 가까이 다가갑니다.



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