
보도 자료

Delaware Auditor Indicted – Statement of Common Cause Delaware

If these charges are true, they are a particularly egregious violation of the public trust. Delaware’s Auditor is supposed to prevent and detect these sorts of activities, to protect our taxpayer dollars from misuse. Our state officials are supposed to act in the public’s interest, not their own.

Delaware’s elected state Auditor, Kathleen K. McGuiness, was indicted yesterday on charges including conflict-of-interest, theft, official misconduct and intimidation.

Statement of Common Cause Delaware Director Claire Snyder-Hall

공공서비스란 대중에게 봉사하는 것을 뜻합니다.

선출된 공무원은 자신의 권력을 사용하여 자녀에게 이익을 주거나 정치적 지지자들의 주머니를 채우거나 선출된 직책을 개인의 영지처럼 취급해서는 안 됩니다. 우리 모두는 다음을 보았습니다. 눈에 띄는 예 그러한 행동 최근 몇 년 동안은 그렇지만 아직도 옳지 않습니다.

If these charges are true, they are a particularly egregious violation of the public trust. Delaware’s Auditor is supposed to prevent and detect these sorts of activities, to protect our taxpayer dollars from misuse. Our state officials are supposed to act in 대중의 관심, 그들 자신의 것이 아닙니다.

Delawareans shouldn’t have to wonder what our elected officials are up to, or whose interests are being served.

We appreciate the work of the grand jury, and we will be watching this case closely.



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