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Watchdog: Corporations Have No Place in Delaware Elections

Common Cause Delaware opposes bill to allow “artificial entities” to vote in municipal elections

Common Cause Delaware strongly opposes HB 121, a bill introduced by state Rep. Daniel Short that would allow artificial entities like corporations, LLCs, and trusts to participate in Seaford’s municipal elections.

“LLCs are not voters. They are artificial entities and much of the time, we don’t even know who owns them. LLCs, corporations, and trusts should never be allowed to vote in our elections — full stop,” said Common Cause Delaware의 전무이사인 Claire Snyder-Hall. “This bill would give wealthy special interests and outsiders the opportunity to dominate our political processes. And it would dilute the votes of Seaford residents, who are actually real-life flesh and blood people.” 

In a state with more registered businesses than people, this is not the first time corporate owners have attempted to interfere with elections. In 2019, after a Newark property manager in control of 31 LLCs, which own 31 parcels of land in the city, 31번 투표됨 during a $28 million capital referendum, the Newark city council passed a resolution to stop artificial entities from voting in local elections.  

2018년, Rehoboth Beach 주민들은 일어나서 멈추었다 LLC에 투표권을 허용하는 제안.

Common Cause Delaware에서는 시포드 주민과 우려하는 델라웨어주민에게 즉시 대표자에게 연락하여 HB 121에 대해 반대표를 던지도록 촉구합니다. 

Claire Snyder-Hall은 이 문제에 대한 인터뷰를 위해 대기하고 있습니다. csnyder-hall@commoncause.org.



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