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For media inquiries please contact: Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org and 617-807-4032

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“You Should Live Where You Legislate:” Common Cause Delaware Applauds Passage of Residency Requirement

Claire Snyder-Hall on the importance of a new constitutional amendment that requires that elected officials remain residents of the district they were elected to serve.

Money & Influence 01.19.2023

Common Cause Delaware Urges Lawmakers to Improve Campaign Finance Reporting

"Where’s the money coming from? Delaware voters deserve to know who is funding political campaigns and how those campaigns are spending that money to influence our vote."

Voting & Elections 11.2.2022

Voting Rights Coalition Launches First-Ever “Election Protection” Program for 2022 Midterm

Common Cause Delaware (CCDE) continues to build Election Protection 2022, an independent, nonpartisan effort to ensure that every eligible voter can vote safely and smoothly in the First State.

Delaware Auditor Sentenced After Conviction for Public Corruption

"We deserve to have confidence that our tax dollars are being well-spent, and that our government officials are serving our interests, not their own interests or other private interests."

Voting & Elections 10.7.2022

Delaware Supreme Court’s Voting & Elections Ruling A “Devastating Setback for Freedom to Vote”

Our democracy is strongest when voters can easily make our voices heard at the ballot box. Today’s ruling to restrict our rights is a devastating setback for the freedom to vote in Delaware. Those pushing for this decision are just trying to cause confusion and chaos to suppress our votes.

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