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A Delaware city wants to let businesses vote in its elections. It just cleared a key hurdle, but it’s faced pushback

CNN Business covers a controversial proposed amendment to the Seaford city charter, which failed to receive Senate support on Friday.

This article originally appeared in CNN Business on July 1, 2023 and was written by Jeanne Sahadi.  

Below is a paragraph on Common Cause Delaware’s opposition to the proposed amendment to the Seaford city charter that would give artificial entities like corporations and trusts the right to vote in local elections.

Opponents to the idea include Common Cause Delaware, a citizens lobby that among other things advocates for voter rights and opposes the influence of big money in state government. Letting businesses vote in municipal elections dilutes the voice of the citizenry and “puts the idea that corporations are people on steroids,” said its executive director, Claire Snyder-Hall.

To read the full article, click here. 



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