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Common Cause Delaware Raises Questions on Redistricting Bill Moving Already Approved District Lines

Press Release

Common Cause Delaware Raises Questions on Redistricting Bill Moving Already Approved District Lines

Today, Common Cause Delaware is calling on the Delaware General Assembly to answer questions about House Bill 335, which passed unanimously out of the House Administration Committee on Tuesday. On its face, the bill appears to make adjustments to House and Senate districts that were passed by the General Assembly in November of 2021.

Over 200 Delawareans Mark January 6th Anniversary with Night Vigil

Press Release

Over 200 Delawareans Mark January 6th Anniversary with Night Vigil

The event, hosted by local grassroots organizations, was one of 300+ nationwide. The “Remembrance and Vigil” also called for action to strengthen and protect our country’s democracy.

Delawareans to Mark January 6th Anniversary with Night Vigil

Press Release

Delawareans to Mark January 6th Anniversary with Night Vigil

The “Remembrance and Vigil” will also call for action to strengthen and protect our country’s democracy. The event, hosted by local grassroots organizations, will be one of 200+ nationwide.

Delaware Faith Leaders Urge New Federal Voting Laws

Press Release

Delaware Faith Leaders Urge New Federal Voting Laws

More than 40 Delaware clergy and faith leaders joined together in a letter to U.S. Senators Chris Coons and Tom Carper, thanking them for their support of federal voting legislation and asking them to “actively support filibuster reform so that the bills can get passed and onto President Biden’s desk for a signature.” 

Delaware Clergy and Faith Leaders Say New Federal Voting Laws are Urgently Needed

Press Release

Delaware Clergy and Faith Leaders Say New Federal Voting Laws are Urgently Needed

The letter says both the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act “are necessary to save democratic self-government, and neither will pass unless the Senate revises the filibuster.” 

‘Time to Act’ Honk and Wave Events Urge Senator Coons to Fix Filibuster and Get Voting Bills Passed

Press Release

‘Time to Act’ Honk and Wave Events Urge Senator Coons to Fix Filibuster and Get Voting Bills Passed

The events were part of a national “Time to Act” week of action, designed to demonstrate the urgency of passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Overall, more than 80 grassroots events are being held during the U.S. Senate’s recess week.

Sen. Carper Says ‘No barrier — not even the filibuster — must stop our obligation to our democracy’

Press Release

Sen. Carper Says ‘No barrier — not even the filibuster — must stop our obligation to our democracy’

We want to thank Sen. Carper both for his carefully-considered position on the filibuster, as announced today, and also for his inspiring explanation of his reasons. Sen. Carper correctly puts this all in the context of our nation’s slow progress toward equality.

Common Cause Delaware Calls for “Fully Independent” Redistricting Commission

Press Release

Common Cause Delaware Calls for “Fully Independent” Redistricting Commission

Yesterday, the Delaware Senate and House of Representatives both approved their proposed district maps. State House and Senate maps will be sent to the Governor, who is expected to sign them into law for the next ten years. After advocating for a fair, transparent, and participatory process, Common Cause Delaware is now calling for the state to move to an independent redistricting commission model.

Common Cause Delaware Names Claire Snyder-Hall as Executive Director

Press Release

Common Cause Delaware Names Claire Snyder-Hall as Executive Director

Common Cause Delaware has chosen Claire Snyder-Hall to be its Executive Director. Snyder-Hall previously led the state organization on a temporary basis, both between 2015-16 and also for the past 11 months.

‘Voices for Democracy’ Car Parade Urges Senators Coons and Carper to ‘do everything in their power’ to get Pro-Voter Bills to President Biden’s Desk

Press Release

‘Voices for Democracy’ Car Parade Urges Senators Coons and Carper to ‘do everything in their power’ to get Pro-Voter Bills to President Biden’s Desk

Delawareans joined in a “car parade” to visit their US Senators’ offices in support of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.



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