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Delaware Voting Rights Coalition Launches with Support from General Assembly and Statewide Partnerships

Press Release

Delaware Voting Rights Coalition Launches with Support from General Assembly and Statewide Partnerships

At a virtual press conference that was streamed to social media, community organizations from across the state came together to publicly launch the Delaware Voting Rights Coalition (DVRC), Delaware’s first statewide coalition focused strictly on expanding access to voting.

Delaware Senate Approves Improvement to Voter Registration System

Press Release

Delaware Senate Approves Improvement to Voter Registration System

The Delaware Senate has just approved SB 5, a bill that will create an automatic voter registration system at the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles, and potentially other state agencies. We urge Delaware's House of Representatives to do the same.

Delaware Senate to Consider Improvement to Voter Registration System

Press Release

Delaware Senate to Consider Improvement to Voter Registration System

Our government ‘by the people’ is stronger when more people participate. Common Cause Delaware urges the Senate to pass legislation to create an automatic voter registration system. 

Common Cause Delaware Supports Constitutional Amendment on Redistricting

Press Release

Common Cause Delaware Supports Constitutional Amendment on Redistricting

Common Cause Delaware supports the constitutional amendment, but urges a slight change to the amendment language to ensure it “does not preclude the option of future redistricting reform.” Around the country, states are creating independent redistricting commissions to ensure that district lines are drawn in ways that respect communities rather than benefit incumbent politicians or political parties.

Common Cause Delaware questions $18.3 million voting system price tag

News Clip

Common Cause Delaware questions $18.3 million voting system price tag

Lawmakers appeared pleased with the selection, although some advocates have argued for paper ballots instead.

During the Department of Elections’ budget hearing, Jennifer Hill, a lobbyist for the good government group Common Cause Delaware, objected to the purchase, noting the department has asked for another $5 million over the next four years for the machines.

However, Ms. Manlove disputed the claim that the price tag is much bigger than anticipated, saying the costs for maintenance and the software license...

New Voting machines in the works for Delaware

News Clip

New Voting machines in the works for Delaware

Common Cause of Delaware wants Delawareans to weigh in on the state's purchase of new voting booths, urging citizens to call for a system that can't be hacked.

“Common Cause Delaware asked for the bids to be shared with the public soon after they were received by the Department of Elections in January,” said Jennifer Hill, program director for Common Cause Delaware. “This is a historic civic event in our state as we have not had a new system since 1996, and it was 50 years ago when the old lever system was purchased.”



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