
Press Release

Common Cause Delaware Urges State Leaders to Reform Redistricting Process

Organization has yet to receive response to letter demanding greater transparency and public participation 

Organization has yet to receive response to letter demanding greater transparency and public participation 

One month without any response from state leaders has passed since Common Cause Delaware and a broad coalition of community organizations sent a letter asking for a fair and transparent redistricting process. In August, the coalition outlined a redistricting timeline that would meet the upcoming election calendar, provide complete transparency, and allow for robust public debate and participation. Common Cause Delaware is now demanding that state legislators start communicating with the public about this year’s redistricting cycle.  

Redistricting will impact our elections for the next decade and the people of Delaware deserve to have a meaningful say in the process,” said Claire Snyder-Hall, director of Common Cause Delaware. “A completely transparent and public redistricting process will ensure we draw fair maps that benefit our communities, not the politicians. It’s time for state leaders to come forward with details about this year’s redistricting process.” 

To date, state leaders have not shared any information about the current redistricting cycle, including a timeline or how to participate. In its letter, the coalition asked that the proposed maps and information be posted online and regularly updated and for the public to be able to submit plans for consideration. 

Historically, the state legislature has led the entire redistricting process and continues to do so today. This dynamic means that the politicians have the power to draw their own district’s maps, allowing them to determine their voters in elections for the next decade. Such great power without public input means there is no check for any politicians who want to draw district lines that split cities or tear neighborhoods apart if it is politically advantageous.  

A fair redistricting process would be bipartisan, transparent, and would include multiple opportunities for robust public engagement before and after proposed maps are drawn. A bipartisan and independent process would mean elected officials would not be allowed to cherry-pick their voters and would instead give voters the power to choose their leaders, requiring the politicians to earn every vote in every corner of the state.


To read the letter, click here.