
Press Release

House Committee Considers Legislation to Strengthen Delaware’s Whistleblower Protection Act

Common Cause Delaware seeks to hold power accountable. Whistleblowers often play a key role in holding employers accountable, and so it is important for them to be protected from intimidation and retaliation. 

Today at 11am the House Labor Committee will meet to consider bills including HB 354, amending Delaware’s Whistleblower Protection Act to increase protections for employees. 

Livestream of the meeting will be available here.


Statement of Common Cause Delaware Executive Director Claire Snyder-Hall

Common Cause Delaware seeks to hold power accountable. Whistleblowers often play a key role in holding employers accountable, and so it is important for them to be protected from intimidation and retaliation. 

HB 354 would strengthen Delaware’s Whistleblower Protection Act by explicitly prohibiting employers from using or threatening to use an employee’s citizenship or immigration status or that of their family members in an attempt to intimidate or retaliate against a potential or actual whistleblower. That is why Common Cause Delaware supports the bill and urges the Delaware General Assembly to pass it.



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