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Common Cause Delaware Calls for Better Campaign Finance Reporting

As campaign finance reports for primary candidates are made publicly available today, Common Cause Delaware calls for more regular and detailed reporting.

As campaign finance reports for primary candidates are made publicly available today, Common Cause Delaware calls for more regular and detailed reporting. Currently, only three spending reports are made available: at the end of year, 30 days prior to an election, and 8 days prior to an election. More frequent reporting would improve transparency and the accountability of campaigns to the voters.  

“Until today, voters have had no way of knowing who is funding the candidates running in the Delaware primary since the December 31 report last year,” said Claire Snyder-Hall, Giám đốc điều hành của Common Cause Delaware. “We are calling for regular, quarterly reporting of all political spending in the state and want information about donors’ employer and occupation included. Delaware voters deserve to know who is funding political campaigns and in turn how those campaigns are spending that money to influence our vote.” 

In June, Common Cause Delaware supported HB366, a bill with bipartisan sponsorship, that would have required donors to political campaigns to reveal their employer and occupation, information currently required for donations to federal campaigns. Such information would help voters understand the kind of support candidates are receiving, data that would help voters make an informed choice on Election Day. Sadly, the bill died in the House Administration Committee, when it was tabled on June 16. 





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