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Thượng viện Delaware bác bỏ Tu chính án gây tranh cãi về quyền bỏ phiếu của công ty Seaford

“Delaware nổi tiếng với luật pháp và tòa án thân thiện với doanh nghiệp, nhưng đây là một bước đi quá xa."

On the final day of the legislative session, the Delaware Senate adjourned without bringing a controversial corporate voting rights bill to the floor for a vote. HS 1 for HB 121, introduced by state Rep. Daniel Short, would have allowed artificial entities like corporations, LLCs, and trusts to vote in Seaford’s municipal elections. While the bill passed in the House, it will not become law this year. 

“We are elated that this bill did not pass because we cannot allow corporations and businesses to have voting rights equal to those of real people. While we’re relieved that the Senate rejected this bill, it is worrisome that it got this far,” said Claire Snyder-Hall, giám đốc điều hành của Common Cause Delaware. “Delaware is infamous for our business-friendly courts and laws, but this is a bridge too far. We must remain vigilant and protect the rights of human voters.” 

This controversial amendment to Seaford’s city charter has received coverage and criticism nationwide. Earlier this week, House Republican legislators staged a walk-out in an attempt to force the passage of this bill. 

Claire Snyder-Hall is available for interviews on this issue at



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