


该法案目前已提交众议院审议。一旦通过成为法律,该法案将在 9 月初选中生效。 

Late last night, Delaware’s Senate passed a bill to establish Vote By Mail under the Legislature’s Constitutional authority to “by law prescribe the means, methods and instruments of voting.”

The bill now heads to the House for consideration. If enacted into law, it will be effective for the September primary elections. 

在全国范围内, 34 states provide all voters the option to cast ballots by mail. In 2020, 43.1% of the country’s electorate voted by mail.

特拉华州共同事业组织执行董事 Claire Snyder-Hall 声明

Common Cause Delaware applauds the Senate for passing this bill to allow people to vote safely from home.

Our ‘government by the people’ is stronger when every voter is able to cast our ballot without barriers like work schedules and family responsibilities. Adding vote by mail to early voting and in-person election day voting will give every Delawarean another option for how to cast our ballots, greatly enhancing the freedom to vote here in the First State.

Vote by Mail is a tried and trusted method of casting ballots. It allows voters to vote safely and securely, from the comfort of our own homes. 

Common Cause Delaware is delighted to see this bill advance, and we urge the House to swiftly pass it, also, so that First Staters will be able to vote by mail in the September primaries.



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