


自从特拉华州共同事业最近呼吁更加透明和更具参与性的重新划分选区程序以来,一周过去了,州领导仍然没有向公众提供任何有关重新划分选区如何进行的信息,也没有确定公开听证会的日期。自 8 月以来,特拉华州共同事业和 15 多个不同社区组织的联盟一再敦促州领导向公众分享有关重新划分选区程序的细节。

One month and one week has passed since the pro-democracy coalition pressed state leaders for reform 

One week since Common Cause Delaware most recently called for a more transparent and participatory redistricting process, state leaders still have not given the public any information about how redistricting will work or set dates for public hearings. Since August, Common Cause Delaware and a coalition of more than 15 diverse community organizations have repeatedly urged state leaders to share details about the redistricting process with the public. Last week, Common Cause Delaware reiterated the call for a fair, transparent, and participatory redistricting process, highlighting its August 4 letter outlining guidelines for reform. 

“It’s concerning that state leaders refuse to communicate about how they plan to hold a process that is transparent and accountable to the people,” said 特拉华州共同事业组织主任克莱尔·斯奈德·霍尔. “Redistricting will determine the people of Delaware’s voting power for the next ten years and we deserve to know how state legislators plan to draw new maps. It’s time state legislators start communicating with the public about this year’s redistricting cycle.”  

To date, state leaders have not announced any information about the current redistricting cycle, including a timeline or ways the public can participate. In its August 4 letter, the coalition asked that the proposed maps and all other relevant information be posted online and regularly updated, that the public be able to provide input on any proposed maps, and that the public be allowed to submit proposed maps for consideration. 

To read the coalition’s August 4 letter, 点击这里 



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