


执行董事克莱尔·斯奈德·霍尔 (Claire Snyder-Hall) 向 WRDE 介绍了一项允许西福德的虚拟实体和公司参加市政选举投票的法案。

本文 最初出现 on WRDE on June 20, 2023 and was written by Mallory Metzner.  

Below is Claire Snyder-Hall’s comment on this proposed charter amendment that would give corporations and artificial entities the right to vote in Seaford municipal elections 

Common Cause Delaware says it’s not fair for out of town business owners to vote twice, once where they live and once in Seaford.

“This bill is essentially voter suppression from the other way,” says Executive Director Claire Snyder-Hall. “It’s voter dilution, so instead of blocking residents of Seaford from voting, this bill will dilute their vote by allowing artificial entities owned by people who don’t live in Seaford to cancel out the votes of Seaford residents.”

要阅读全文, 点击这里. 




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