

Citizens United invited huge sums of dark money into our democracy. We're demanding reforms that put ordinary people ahead of billionaire campaign donors.

Americans know that money has too much influence in our political system. That is why we advocate for money in politics solutions that empower small-dollar donors to make an impact in campaigns, require disclosure of all campaign money raised and spent, remove the financial barriers stopping everyday people from running for office, and hold elected officials and wealthy special interests accountable to voters.

Even with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC, states and cities across the country are proving that we can improve our campaign finance system with laws that amplify the voices of everyday Americans.

您的资金支持帮助我们发挥以下作用 追究权力责任 并加强民主。

The Veasey Report – what’s it all about?


The Veasey Report – what’s it all about?

The Veasey Report (2013) was the product of an independent investigation of campaign finance violations by Christopher Tigani and others, led by former Chief Justice E. Norman Veasey.



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