

Delaware Launches First-Ever Nonpartisan “Election Protection” Field Program, for 2022 Primary and General

Common Cause Delaware is announcing the launch of an independent, nonpartisan effort to ensure that every eligible voter can vote safely and smoothly in the First State. 

Two months before the primary election, Common Cause Delaware is announcing the launch of Election Protection 2022, an independent, nonpartisan effort to ensure that every eligible voter can vote safely and smoothly in the First State. 

With the support of ACLU Delaware and other members of the Delaware Voting Rights Coalition, Common Cause Delaware has created a poll monitoring program that will recruit, train, and place volunteers at polling places around the state, as well as enabling roving and online monitors.

该计划是全国无党派选民援助行动的一部分,由 超过 100 个赞助组织的联盟,始于 2000 年, 布什诉戈尔 冲突。Common Cause 已在全国范围内开展了 18 年的选举保护实地项目。2020 年,超过 46,000 名 Common Cause 选举保护志愿者帮助回答问题并解决选民的问题。这将是选举保护在特拉华州开展专门实地项目的第一个选举周期。 


“The EP volunteers will be a great resource for voters. We expect that some folks may be confused about changes to voting laws,” said 特拉华州共同事业组织执行董事克莱尔·斯奈德·霍尔. “For example, we have 10 days of early voting for the first time this year, and we also expect to have vote by mail, which passed the General Assembly just last month. Delaware also has new districts and polling locations after post-Census redistricting.”

“Our volunteers will also be prepared to assist with any unanticipated barriers to voting or, worst case scenario, any conflicts that might erupt at the polls,” Snyder-Hall added. “We want to ensure that Delawareans have a smooth and welcoming voting experience, regardless of what’s going on at the national level.”

选举保护民意调查监测计划将与特拉华州的 1-866-OUR-VOTE 英语热线合作,该热线由法律下的民权律师委员会运营,将在初选和大选期间通过专用电话线路为第一州选民提供帮助。非英语热线也将在 

  • 西班牙语 (888-VE-Y-VOTA/888-839-8682) 
  • 阿拉伯语(844-YALLA-US/844-925-5287)和 
  • 亚洲语言(888-API-VOTE/888-274-8683)。

他说:“如果选民有任何疑问,或者在缺席投票或亲自投票时遇到问题,我们鼓励他们拨打热线电话。” 摩根·康利 (Morgan Conley),法律下的民权律师委员会选举保护全国协调员.

想要志愿帮助选举保护的特拉华州民众可以访问 保护投票网.



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