



Today, the Delaware Supreme Court ruled Vote by Mail and Same-Day Voter Registration unconstitutional in the First State. The ruling comes despite the fact that the Delaware Constitution clearly states, “the General Assembly may by law prescribe the means, methods, and instruments of voting.” 

Statement of Common Cause Delaware from Claire Snyder-Hall 

“Our democracy is strongest when voters can easily make our voices heard at the ballot box. Today’s ruling to restrict our rights is a devastating setback for the freedom to vote in Delaware. Those pushing for this decision are just trying to cause confusion and chaos to suppress our votes. 

Vote by Mail is an increasingly popular way to cast a ballot because it is safe, secure, and accessible for voters of all parties and backgrounds. Delawareans deserve to have the same options to vote as those in nearby states like Massachusetts and Pennsylvania with Vote by Mail. 

We believe Same-Day Registration ensures every eligible voter can cast a ballot in a fair, accessible, and secure way, and it allows people to update their records after they move. Delaware voters should not face unnecessary barriers, like deadlines that are over three weeks prior to Election Day. 

No Supreme Court decision will stop us from getting out the vote and educating voters about how to cast a ballot this year. We will continue our fight to expand the right to vote and ensure as many eligible voters as possible can participate in our democracy this November.” 




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