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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Trump Claims 'No Plans' to Fire Mueller, But President's Team Staying On the Attack

President Trump insists he has no plan to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, but there were more disturbing signs over the weekend that Trump’s lawyers and congressional allies are running a campaign to push Mueller out.

Trump Judgeship Nominee Eviscerated In Senate Hearing

in five embarrassing minutes in a Senate hearing room, Matthew Petersen demonstrated that smarts and decency alone don’t qualify one for the federal bench.

Voting & Elections 12.14.2017

Trump's Stubborness Blocking Planning to Ward Off Future Cyberattacks

While dismissing past Russian meddling as "fake news," the Trump administration is ignoring the possibility of an electronic attack on future U.S. elections

Media & Democracy 12.14.2017

FCC Repeals "First Amendment of the Internet"

Get ready to pay more for your internet service and to endure longer waits while some of your favorite websites are loading.

Voting & Elections 12.12.2017

Election Protection Hotline Open To Assist Alabamians

If you live in Alabama or have friends and/or relatives there, please take a minute to copy this phone number and share it today with any Alabamian who is registered to vote: 866OURVOTE

Voting & Elections 12.12.2017

Redistricting Reform Gaining Steam Across the Country

Republicans had stunning success after the 2010 Tea Party wave election tilting the rules of our election processes in their favor. But there are a number of reasons to think that the times may be changing.

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