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Money & Influence 09.18.2017

National Model for Campaign Finance in Peril

Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy is promising to veto a state budget plan that would decimate the Citizens’ Election Program (CEP), a national model for campaign finance reform since its adoption more than a decade ago.

Voting & Elections 09.15.2017

Poll Shows Strong Bipartisan Opposition to Partisan Gerrymandering

A new survey by a bipartisan team of pollsters says Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of partisan gerrymandering, a centuries-old issue that the Supreme Court is slated to take up next month.

Voting & Elections 09.11.2017

Bucking National Trend, California Making Voting Easier

California is advancing ways to increase voter participation ahead of the 2018 elections, while dozens of states have gone backwards by imposing new voting restrictions.

Voting & Elections 09.8.2017

Thanks, Mr. Secretary!

A tip of the hat today to an unlikely recipient: Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

Trump's DACA Plan Grounded in Dubious Legal Claims

President Trump’s threat to deport about 800,000 young immigrants, many attending U.S. schools, holding jobs, and paying taxes, is based on legally dubious claims that an Obama-era executive order granting them “lawful presence” in the U.S. exceeded the then-president’s authority.

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