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Voting & Elections 09.7.2017

Common Cause Presses FEC, Justice Department to Act on Facebook Ads

Citing evidence that Russian internet “trolls” placed political ads on Facebook last year, Common Cause today urged the Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission to investigate and take legal action against those responsible for the messages.

Voting & Elections 09.7.2017

Trump's 'Election Integrity' Panel "Flawed From the Start"

A report released today by Common Cause makes a powerful case that President Trump’s “election integrity” commission is a sham, rigged to exploit public fears about a voter fraud epidemic that exists only in the minds of the president and his hardcore supporters.

Voting & Elections 09.6.2017

Common Cause Sues New York State to End Voter Purges

New York State has improperly deactivated the voter registrations of tens of thousands of qualified voters simply because for several years they’ve chosen not to cast ballots, Common Cause New York charges in a lawsuit filed today.

Voting & Elections 09.6.2017

Blockbuster Coalition Looks to Bust Partisan Gerrymandering

An unprecedented cadre of political leaders and good government groups, including Common Cause, has joined forces to ask the Supreme Court to outlaw partisan gerrymandering.

Voting & Elections 08.31.2017

Indiana's Largest County Clamps Down on Early Voting

While early voting expands in mostly white, Republican suburbs, voting gets more difficult in Democrat-dominated, largely black Indianapolis.

Voting & Elections 08.30.2017

An Ounce of Prevention - Missed

Fearful they would be accused of attempting to sway the presidential election, Obama administration officials last year shut down plans to share a list of cybersecurity precautions with state election officials responsible for protecting voting machines and databases.

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