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Voting & Elections 08.29.2017

Breaking News: Common Cause Challenge to Partisan Gerrymandering Headed to Trial

A panel of federal judges ruled Tuesday afternoon that the case of Common Cause v. Rucho can proceed to trial, denying a request by lawyers for the state legislature to delay the lawsuit. The case challenges partisan gerrymandering in North Carolina.

Trump Slaps Minorities With Plan to Give Police Military Gear

His pardon last week of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio gave police across America a new license to lock up Latinos; now President Trump wants to arm the cops with weapons and equipment designed to make war rather than keep the peace.

Voting & Elections 08.29.2017

Florida Congressman Looks to Shut Down Mueller Probe

U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-FL, wants Congress to cut off funding for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s possible involvement in Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

'Our Boy Can Become President'

President Trump has made a point of declaring that he and his companies have no business in Russia, but news stories today indicate that it's not for lack of effort.

Voting & Elections 08.28.2017

Automatic Registration Comes to Illinois

There’s good news today from Illinois, where Gov. Bruce Rauner has signed a bill to provide automatic voter registration (AVR) to qualified residents when they do business with state agencies.

Voting & Elections 08.25.2017

Suit Revives Concerns About Georgia Election Systems

A lawsuit against the Georgia Election Board is reviving concerns about vulnerabilities in the state’s voting systems and could lead to a third round of voting in the state’s hotly-contested 6th Congressional District.

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