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Voting & Elections 08.21.2017

Another Missed Opportunity

North Carolina lawmakers had a golden opportunity this month to adopt fair, nonpartisan standards for drawing new legislative voting districts. Instead, they opted for politics as usual, keeping partisanship at the core of a deeply flawed redistricting process.

Voting & Elections 08.21.2017

'Election Integrity' Commission Appears Unconcerned With Election Hacking

President Trump’s Commission on Election Integrity is well-stocked with state election officials hostile to efforts to protect critical voting and voter registration systems against electronic hackers, Mother Jones reported over the weekend.


A reflection on Charlottesville and the future of our country

Media & Democracy 08.15.2017

Sinclair-Tribune Deal Looms Large in Local Media Markets

In the current surge of news media consolidation and homogenization, the Sinclair-Tribune merger proposal may be the most alarming yet.

Voting & Elections 08.9.2017

Ohio Partisan Fairness Standard Would Be First In U.S. for Congress

Ohio has the opportunity to lead the way again and improve democracy by mandating partisan fairness in the drawing of congressional districts.
Only 11 states explicitly prohibit partisan gerrymandering or have some protection against drawing districts for political advantage.

Voting & Elections 08.9.2017

Sessions, Trump, Ask Court to Back Ohio Voter Purge

Tuesday brought a reminder that Attorney General Sessions is well positioned to undermine our democracy and that the Justice Department under his direction is busy at the task.

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