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Voting & Elections 07.31.2017

Hackers Demonstrate Election Vulnerabilities

In a matter of minutes over the weekend, a band of self-styled computer nerds demonstrated how voting machines similar to those used in hundreds of precincts across the U.S. can be manipulated to produce wildly inaccurate vote totals.

Voting & Elections 07.28.2017

House Republicans Launch New/Old Attack on Hillary Clinton

Perhaps the door to comity has cracked open in the Senate but it remains shut and locked tight in the House of Representatives

Voting & Elections 07.27.2017

Thinking About De-registering? Don't Do It!

Not even President Trump’s most fervent admirers take seriously the president’s claim that up to 5 million people cast illegal ballots last fall.

Voting & Elections 07.27.2017

Kobach Pays $1K for Misleading Federal Judge

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, whose deceptive public statements about voter fraud appear to be part of a strategy to advance his political career, is finding that deception doesn’t work so well when it’s directed at federal judges.

Money & Influence 07.27.2017

Fair Elections Now Introduced in Senate

Wednesday’s introduction of the Fair Elections Now Act deserves a tip of the hat to sponsoring Sen. Dick Durbin, D-IL, and his 23 co-sponsors for continuing to stand up for a good idea.

Money & Influence 07.26.2017

Kochs Plan Massive Campaign for Business Tax Cuts

The Koch brothers invested $260 million – more or less – to elect a Congress that will do their bidding; now they and their ultra-wealthy network of business leaders are putting millions more into a “grassroots” lobbying campaign aimed at making their investment pay off in a massive business tax cut.

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