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Voting & Elections 06.20.2017

Texas-sized Trouble

Texas lawmakers have ramped up efforts to deprive millions of Texans of the right to vote since the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder gutted key portions of the federal Voting Rights Act (VRA), the Texas Civil Rights Project charges in a new report.

Money & Influence 06.20.2017

Election Day!

The polls are open today in a pair of deep south congressional districts,including one that has become the most expensive congressional election ever and a test of President Trump’s popularity – or lack of it – with suburban voters.

Media & Democracy 06.20.2017

'Maybe the Worst FCC I've Ever Seen'

In just a few short months, the Trump wrecking ball has pounded away at rules and regulations in virtually every government agency. The Federal Communications Commission is no exception.

Voting & Elections 06.19.2017

Gerrymander Gazette | July 2017

The U.S. Supreme Court announced this morning that it will hear oral arguments in Gill v. Whitford, an appeal of a three-judge federal trial court decision that Wisconsin State Assembly districts are an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander.

Voting & Elections 06.19.2017

Gerrymander Gazette | June 2017

The U.S. Supreme Court announced this morning that it will hear oral arguments in Gill v. Whitford, an appeal of a three-judge federal trial court decision that Wisconsin State Assembly districts are an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander.

Media & Democracy 06.19.2017

Losing Net Neutrality Would Devastate Disabled Americans

Net neutrality matters to me as a disabled person because the internet is my primary source of socialization, entertainment, and news. I wasn't always disabled or chronically ill.

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