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Media & Democracy 06.19.2017

Losing Net Neutrality Would Devastate Disabled Americans

Net neutrality matters to me as a disabled person because the internet is my primary source of socialization, entertainment, and news. I wasn't always disabled or chronically ill.

Congress Moves to Protect Whistleblowers at the VA

Congress moved last week to protect whistleblowers in the scandal-plagued Department of Veterans Affairs and to make it easier for officials to discipline or fire VA employees who neglect or mistreat patients.

Voting & Elections 06.19.2017

Does Trump Even Care That Russia Hacked Our Election?

Comey, Sessions agree that President Trump is not very interested in the Russian attacks on our electoral system.

Voting & Elections 06.19.2017

High Court to Consider Partisan Gerrymandering

The Supreme Court agreed this morning to take a new look at partisan gerrymandering, accepting a Wisconsin case in which a three-judge lower court ruled that Republican state legislators unfairly drew congressional districts that work to elect GOP candidates.

Money & Influence 06.19.2017

The Best Congress Money Can Buy

The most expensive congressional campaign in history ends tomorrow in a suburban district north of Atlanta and while the winner is yet to be determined it’s already clear that he or she will take office beholden to an array of big money donors.

Money & Influence 06.16.2017

Trump's Evolution

President Trump campaigned on promises to “drain the swamp” in Washington, yet on June 8, arguably the darkest day of his presidency to date, one of Trump’s top assistants hosted some of the most mud-covered swamp residents at the White House

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