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Voting & Elections 06.7.2017

New Study Documents Success of Automatic Voter Registration

A report released today by our friends at the Center for American Progress (CAP) documents the success of automatic voter registration programs championed by Common Cause and other voting rights advocates across the country.

Voting & Elections 06.7.2017

Comey Warm Up Hearing Leaves Key Questions Unanswered

Today’s warm up to Thursday’s scheduled Senate testimony by former FBI Director James Comey is turning out to be mostly lukewarm.

Money & Influence 06.6.2017

Power Grab from Above

President Trump’s plan to turn air traffic control (ATC) over to the private sector would shift millions of dollars worth of public assets into private hands and potentially provide a multi-billion dollar shot in the arm to the airline industry, a reliable contributor to Trump’s Republican allies on Capitol Hill.

Voting & Elections 06.6.2017

Protecting National Security or Covering for the Administration?

The Trump administration’s zeal to stop leaks of classified data may be running headlong into the public’s interest in learning the full extent of Russia’s interference in last year’s election, including possible collusion between Russian hackers and the Trump campaign or Trump associates.

Voting & Elections 06.5.2017

Minnesota Moves to Modernize Its Electoral Machinery

In a win for electoral infrastructure, Minnesota’s latest State Government Finance Bill creates a $7 million fund to upgrade the state’s voting equipment.

Voting & Elections 06.5.2017

Supreme Court Again Rebuffs North Carolina Redistricting Plans

How much time and money will be wasted and how many North Carolinians will be denied their fundamental right to elect representatives of their choosing before the state legislature gives up its fight to gerrymander legislative and congressional districts?

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