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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Money & Influence 06.2.2017

Lenders Put Your Money to Work - for Themselves

If you’re wondering how special interests and high-dollar donors threaten the proper function of our democracy, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (CFPB) is a pretty good place to start looking.

Voting & Elections 06.2.2017

A Big Week for Winning Democracy at the State and Local Levels

While the Trump administration seems to be constantly retreating from government accountability, many states are leading the way to ensure a government of, by, and for the people. Just this week, action in three states and Washington, D.C. shows that real change is possible.

Voting & Elections 05.30.2017

Automatic Voter Registration Nears Victory in Illinois

Illinois appears set to join the list of states that are making voting easier by automatically registering eligible citizens when they do business with state agencies.

Kentucky Governor's Home Purchase Drawing Scrutiny

The chairman of Common Cause Kentucky is asking the state’s Executive Ethics Commission to investigate whether Gov. Matt Bevin’s purchase of a mansion in a wealthy Louisville suburb earlier this year violated Kentucky’s ethics laws.

Voting & Elections 05.30.2017

New York Times Joins Fight Against Partisan Gerrymandering

The New York Times is joining Common Cause’s fight against partisan gerrymandering. In an editorial published this morning, the paper argues that voters should pick their representatives, not the other way around.

Media & Democracy 05.26.2017

Net Neutrality: No 21st Century Democracy Without It

Ajit Pai, the new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, appears all too ready to deliver the open internet on a silver platter to the highest bidders.

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