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Media & Democracy 05.26.2017

Net Neutrality: No 21st Century Democracy Without It

Ajit Pai, the new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, appears all too ready to deliver the open internet on a silver platter to the highest bidders.

Money & Influence 05.26.2017

Nevada Joins the March to Overturn Citizens United

Nevada on Thursday became the 19th state to formally call on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and permit Congress and state legislatures to put sensible limits on political spending.

Forum Spotlights Trump Administration's Ethics Deficit

American democracy is becoming a money-making enterprise for wealthy private interests and possibly Russians, according to a panel of lawmakers and public interest advocates who spoke at a press briefing and forum on Capitol Hill this morning.

Media & Democracy 05.25.2017

Montana Race Roiled by Candidate's Attack on Reporter

A special congressional election in Montana today has suddenly become a test of Americans’ devotion to press freedom and tolerance for journalistic persistence.

Voting & Elections 05.24.2017

Trump Commission Aims to Limit Voting, Senator Charges

President Trump’s establishment of the Presidential Commission on Voter Integrity is “a futile attempt to justify… groundless claims that millions of people voted illegally, and a pretext for future suppression,” Sen. Chris Coons, D-DE, told a Washington forum on Wednesday.

Voting & Elections 05.24.2017

Faces of Common Cause: Cornell William Brooks, National Governing Board

It’s a clich, but life is often about the journey, not the destination. That’s certainly true of Cornell William Brooks, a distinguished member of our National Governing Board.

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