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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the front lines of the democracy movement. We accept original and cross-posted essays, interviews, video, audio, cartoons and other images from people interested in strengthening democracy so it works for all of us. The views are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of Common Cause.

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Drip, Drip, Drip...

The nation’s top intelligence officer is ducking questions this morning about whether President Trump asked him to declare publicly that there’s no evidence that the Trump for President campaign colluded with Russian agents attempting to disrupt last year’s U.S. election.

Money & Influence 05.22.2017

Women Face Political Obstacles, but Can Overcome Them

Two women who’ve seen firsthand the institutional and structural barriers that confront women running for political office - and have demonstrated that those barriers can be overcome - shared their insights on women in politics this morning with an audience of politically minded women.

Voting & Elections 05.22.2017

Supreme Court Strikes Down North Carolina Redistricting

The Supreme Court gave voting rights activists in North Carolina an important victory this morning, upholding a lower court ruling that the state legislature packed African-American voters into two congressional districts in an effort to dilute their voting strength elsewhere.

Another Wall?

The Trump administration is walling off more information from public scrutiny, telling the government’s internal ethics watchdog to stop asking for copies of ethics waivers the president has issued to former lobbyists now working for federal agencies.

Troubled Times for the First Amendment

When the Constitution’s authors crafted the initial amendments to that document, the freedoms of speech and the press were part of the First Amendment. So every American should be on the alert for threats to First Amendment freedoms and troubled anytime First Amendment rights are violated.

Grounds for Impeachment Are a Political, Not a Legal, Question

In recent days, amid reports of President Trump’s involvement with the FBI investigation of Russia’s meddling in last year’s election, many have wondered whether the president is guilty of obstruction of justice and if such an offense would be impeachable.

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