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Voting & Elections 04.10.2017

Last Week Tonight Tackles Redistricting

John Oliver and the team from Last Week Tonight did a hilarious, informative, and occasionally crude piece on gerrymandering on Sunday.

Voting & Elections 04.10.2017

Governator Talks Gerrymandering Solutions

Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger discussed how we can end gerrymandering on The Messy Truth with Van Jones last week.

Finding Common Ground on Democracy's Future

Common Cause national chair Robert Reich and Weekly Standard publisher Bill Kristol are longtime leaders on the left and right, respectively, of American politics. But they found plenty to agree on during a March 14 forum at Common Cause’s Washington D.C. office.

Nunes Quits House Committee's Russia Probe

House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes, R-CA, this morning surrendered leadership of the committee’s investigation of Russia’s involvement in last year’s election.

LA Times Puts Trump Under the Microscope

The Los Angeles Times is publishing an extraordinary series of editorials this week examining the Trump administration and the threats the paper’s editors believe it poses to our democracy.

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