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LA Times Puts Trump Under the Microscope

The Los Angeles Times is publishing an extraordinary series of editorials this week examining the Trump administration and the threats the paper’s editors believe it poses to our democracy.

Voting & Elections 04.4.2017

Court Blocks Partisan, Racially-tinged Gerrymandering in Greensboro, NC

In a massive win for Greensboro, N.C. and its voters, a federal judge ruled Monday that city council districts drawn by the North Carolina state legislature in 2015 unconstitutionally discriminated against African-Americans and Democratic Party voters.

New Evidence That Trump's 'Blind Trust' Is A Sham

President Trump’s promise to put his far-flung business empire in a blind trust, the better to ensure that his personal financial interests could never conflict with his obligation to serve the public interest, turns out to have been fake news. Bigly.

For Jared and Ivanka, White House Jobs Mean Tougher Conflict Restrictions

The president is exempt from federal conflict of interest laws but his daughter and son-in-law must play by the rules.

Gorsuch Nomination Moves Toward Historic Confrontation

Supreme Court appointments reverberate across the decades. But Judge Neil Gorsuch, President Trump's choice for the Supreme Court, is likely to have a major impact even before he takes the bench.

Deal With Bahrain Revives Questions About Trump's Conflicts

President Trump’s promise of an “America First” policy has changed the tune of American politics. But the president’s acts raise questions about whether “America First” means a focus on US interests, or the interests of President Trump himself.

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