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A Chuckle to Start Your Weekend

As President, George W. Bush was the butt of countless jokes. As a private citizen, he’s showing off an ability to laugh at himself – and setting something of an example for President Trump.

What's Next for Sessions?

Jeff Sessions says he’s through with any involvement in Justice Department investigations of possible ties between the Trump for President Campaign and the Russian government’s attempts to influence last year’s election. But the investigation may not be through with Sessions.

Sessions Relents, Announces Recusal in Russia Investigation

His support among fellow Republicans eroding, Attorney General Jeff Sessions bowed Thursday afternoon to demands that he recuse himself from Justice Department investigations related to the 2016 presidential campaign and Russia’s attempts to influence the outcome.

Sessions' Lies Trigger Calls for His Resignation

The walls are closing in on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Wednesday night’s news that Sessions met twice last year with Sergey Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., but didn’t mention it when senators asked him about contacts between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, has Democrats and non-partisan groups – including Common Cause – demanding Sessions’ resignation.

Idaho Rejects the 'Dangerous Path'

As right-wing special interests get closer to forcing the convening of a new constitutional convention, legislators in Idaho decided Wednesday to protect voters’ constitutional rights and reject the dangerous idea.

Voting & Elections 03.1.2017

High Court Orders Second Look at Virginia Redistricting Plan

The Supreme Court has ordered a second look at claims that Virginia legislators set out to dilute the voting power of black citizens when they drew new boundaries for 11 state legislative districts following the 2010 census.

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