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A Few Things to Listen for Tonight

Official Washington is bracing today for President Trump’s first speech to a joint session of Congress. It’s scheduled 9 tonight.

Money & Influence 02.27.2017

SCOTUS Reaffirms Support for Campaign Finance Disclosure

There’s good news this morning from the Supreme Court, which is sticking with its past declarations that campaign finance disclosure requirements are constitutional.

"Deconstruction of the Administrative State" Means We Lose

Steve Bannon, President Trump’s chief strategist, called for “deconstruction of the administrative state” at the conservative CPAC conference, on Thursday. What does that actually mean?

Voting & Elections 02.24.2017

They Did It Before; They'll Do It Again

We may be missing the forest for the trees in the Russian election hacking story: The Kremlin’s attempt to meddle in the 2016 U.S. presidential election is part of a much bigger tale of Russian covert action.

Pulling Down the Curtain

There’s at least one federal law the FBI apparently is none too eager to abide by. The bureau announced recently that it’s closing down the email address it has provided for journalists and other citizens seeking records it is supposed to make available to the public under the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

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