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Money & Influence 02.23.2017

Progress Stalled

While the media were focused on Hillary Clinton's near miss at shattering the ultimate glass ceiling by capturing the White House, years of slow but steady progress for women in congressional and state legislative races also stalled last November.

New Emails Document Pruitt's Alliance With Industries He Now Must Regulate

A trove of emails released on Tuesday reaffirms that the Trump administration has given responsibility for the federal government’s fight for clean air and water to what may be the country’s most robust critic of clean air and clean water laws.

Voting & Elections 02.22.2017

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

It’s loud, even raucous at times and almost none of the participants seem to be enjoying it, but democracy is working across America this week.

Voting & Elections 02.21.2017

Election Officials Muzzle Proposed Blast at Trump

The men and women responsible for administering American elections have challenged President Trump’s claims that last year’s voting was marred by widespread fraud but they’re apparently unwilling to demand that he stop.

Money & Influence 02.21.2017

Ravel Departing FEC With a Challenge to the President

Through nearly four years as a member of the Federal Election Commission, Ann Ravel fought the good fight to rein in the power of big money in politics; she departs with a challenge to President Trump to overhaul the agency by staffing it with commissioners who are serious about enforcing campaign finance laws.

'We Will Not Be Ignored'

By now, the town hall meeting in Salt Lake City with Rep. Jason Chaffetz on February 9 is old news. However, having been there, I find that I keep revisiting my impressions.

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